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A Bit of Gardening

This is the view of the front yard from near the bottom of the driveway. I sat behind that bush you see near the left corner of the photo.  Molly the Cat was wandering somewhere in there.

I didn't plan to spend two hours this morning deadheading dried spikes on that bush, but once I start deadheading a plant, well there I am until it's done. Some spikes were about 18 inches long. A tiny purple flower blooms at the top of each spike. Flowers continually bloom as the spikes grow longer. Wish I can recall the bush's name.

That's a photo of the bush from the past Spring. Hmmm, I guess the spike grows from the flower. 

I came across a bloom on the potted gardenia plant. Although small, the flower gives off that wonderful delicious scent. This is the first flower in years. The buds dry before they can open. I've promised the plant that I shall pay more attention to it, which I started by immediately clipping off yellowed leaves. I wonder if she would prefer to reside in the backyard in The Shady Room. Maybe even go into the ground.

Life is good.


  1. I know what you mean about sticking with a project until it's done. Sounds like a good day.

    1. A very productive morning unlike the rest of the day. I'm not complaining though. :-)

  2. Good for you because I almost feel like I am in a zen moment when I deadhead. I love your border of teacups which is a very unique and fun border.

    1. Thanks, Birgit. When the Only and Older Brother saw the border and other dishware in the yard,, he promptly asked if those were the Mama's. Yup. :-)

  3. Your lovely yard . . . overseen by Molly the Cat . . . life is good.

  4. I think gardenias love bright light like opposite mogwais. That looks like a good Molly bush, she must be in heaven back there.

    1. What are opposite mogwais? Gremlins? Today, the bud had opened fully. The Husband was impressed.

    2. I suppose they are but I'm not sure of the Gremlin position on bright lights. I know they like to eat and play with Christmas lights so they probably do like them, ("Bright light! Bright light!")
      Ooh, nice.

  5. Gardening's a bit like that, eh? . . . and what a lovely tail-plume! :)

    1. Every time I work in the garden, i get why the Mama hung out there everyday. What would happen if I plugged in a computer out there?

  6. Somebody's tail is swishing around in those flowers!


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