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Cutie Coffee Cozies for Us

Closed eyes no more.
Time to be responsible,
my aching knees. 
~ Su-sieee! Mac

That was my pronouncement to myself this morning. Neither The Husband nor Molly the Cat heard, so you, dear readers, are my witnesses. I am going to do my best to go through, organize, and throw out the piles of papers and boxes of stuff that are in this house, as well as "do" instead of "thinking about doing" something fun and creative for no reason at all. Yes!

In that second regard, I am happy to say I made something yesterday evening. Actually two somethings—those coffee cup cozies you see in the above photo. Sewing them was easy-peasy. Unlike the first time, a bunch of years ago, when figuring how to do it completely stumped me. I was sweating bullets while stitching it on the machine. Sweating bullets, what an image!

We've been getting coffee to go lately so cardboard coffee sleeves have been collecting in our car. We don't remember until we get back into the car that we planned to reuse them. For the past week, I've been psyching myself up to sew, which included reading online how-to instructions.

Yesterday evening, I swallowed the dread of searching through my enormous stash of uncut material, fat quarters, and leftover fabric of all shapes and sizes. I santi sono lodati (Saints be praised), the first container was good to me. Ecco! The brown mustard remnant of a quilt piece jumped into my hand. Ecco! The red Hawaiian print bumped into my other hand. I knew the Husband would love the hula scene, too.

For the quilted cozy, I cut off extra fabric, folded it in half (front sides facing each other), inserted a piece of medium weight interfacing, and sewed up three sides. Then I turned the cozy inside out, prepped the fourth side shut, and topstitched the cozy. I followed the same steps to make the Hawaiian cozy, with the differences being that I sewed two separate curvy pieces together and also inserted a cardboard coffee sleeve for additional insulation.

The final products were too short to sew velcro edges (that's what happens when I ignore instructions), so I sewed shank buttons to the edges.  For the quilted cozy, I wound a green pipe cleaner around the buttons, and for the Hawaiian cozy, a leather cord.

I felt so smart, I tell you. I allowed my limited sewing skills to work for me in a fun and easy way.

Being responsible can be fun.

Today I'm linking up with All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh St.G. Click here to check out Jesh. For the participants list, click here. Thanks, Jesh!


  1. I think you're ready for that new craft challenge show with Amy Poehler.
    I've decided to stop cleaning and throwing out the bottomless pit of papers and decorations and chords and notebooks and just think about it instead.

    1. Hahahaha, those people are big league. Crafting comes out of their pores. Me, the execution comes every so often. Good for you, Jeanna. It's my turn now to plow through stuff.

    2. I think wood glue and sparkles come out of their pores. Don't you love the ying and yang of it?

  2. I can't do anything but blog! So i am always a bit envious of those who can do something great and then blog about it. Those cozies are really cute.

    1. Thanks, Sallie. Those cozies act like Hollywood divas. lol I've already put them in the glove compartment. I'm looking forward to the first time we use them. Blogging is no small feat, I say, I say.

  3. Hello Susan....ecco fatto! Well done!
    Have a responsible new week!

    1. Grazie! I cleaned the guest bathroom first thing this morning. Quite in time for a visit from Big Brother. :-)

  4. Good for you. And they're cute. Now, you just need to stick them in your purse so the next time you go out and get coffee, there they are.

    1. Thanks, Liz. They're sitting in the glove compartment ready to be used. :-)

  5. Replies
    1. I like batiks. This isn't one, but close enough.

  6. Look at you go! ... they're wonderful. :)

  7. Replies
    1. They were fun to make. I enjoyed the problem-solving aspect.


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