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Jane Austen, Industrial Inspector?

Jane Austen, Action Doll, writes:
Industrial inspector is merely another name for quality assurance inspector. I shall not be one for long. All this climbing in long dresses is rather cumbersome. Not to say quite dangerous.
This job, however, is better than the alternative—an ichthyologist. Imagine me with icky fish. No thank you.

My theme for this year's challenge is Jane Austen, Action Doll, Seeks a New Career.

To check out other A to Z participants, click here. To learn more about the 2018 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, click here.


  1. Now this is quite an interesting theme. Have fun with it and with the A to Z challenge. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    JQ Rose

  2. Ha, just what does an ichthyologist do anyway, Jane.

    1. Studies itchy, icky fish of all kind. Not jellyfish, of course.

  3. 'Icky fish'! ... Heh, heh, heh. :)

  4. This is an interesting angle on Jane Austin. I can tell you are having fun with this! Made me smile :)

  5. Wow...I think I would take the icky fish but Jane knows more than I do.

    1. Between you and me, Jane doesn't like wearing that hairnet.


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