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After the Rain

We've had a wonderful few days of rain and, if our luck sticks, we'll have a bit more rain on Saturday. Hurrah! The Diablo Range is finally starting to turn green. Hurrah! Hurrah!

This view is looking east on Hillcrest Road. When I was a teenager several decades ago, this was a two-lane road with orchards on both sides of the road. Those were the days when it rained a lot. All the orchards and farms that surrounded us may have been a contributing factor for that.

Hanging out at Skywatch Friday. Come join me by clicking here. Thanks, Skywatch Friday hosts!


  1. How sad that the orchards are gone. The same happens here because we live in a fruit belt but the powers that be decide to put up more houses and other lego brick stuff on beautiful soil. I'm glad you are finally getting rain

    1. Part of me feels like moving out rather than watch more developments get built. But, at the Husband says, it's happening everywhere.

  2. An impressive sky, Susie! Love the mountain view. Reading your description, there is a wealth to photograph - mountains, orchards, etc.! Thank you for your comment! See ya in a few days back at All Seasons:)

    1. Yes, photograph the greenspace before it's all under houses and concrete.

  3. I'm happy for the rain too! Wish we would have gotten a little more here in the south. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Glad to hear you got rain down your way, too. I hope there's more on the way.

  4. Beautiful photo! Like Spare Parts and Pics I wish that we had gotten more rain here in Southern California.

  5. Maybe that is why it used to rain there more then, but you want rain now, right? I have a feeling we're in for a lot of wet weather in the next few months. Very pretty with the mountain range in the background.

    1. Yup. It would be nice if we could have rain once a week or so. Interestingly, over the past few years, rain, when it came, would happen during the night or before dawn. That's good for the commuters.

  6. Houses are slowly encroaching here on Widder Island, which used to be all 5 acre farmlets ... as Joni Mitchell sang, 'pave paradise, put up a parking lot'

    1. If parking lots have to go in, why can't they be a light color rather than black.

    2. Or patterns? ... or pictures? :)

  7. I can feel the misty rain moving in now - lovely!

  8. A great scene you've captured!

  9. The orchards are almost all gone in the place where I grew up, too, in British Columbia's Okanagan Valley. It's progress, I suppose, but I'm not sure I'm always impressed with progress.
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

    1. That's how I feel, too, Kay. In a way I'm glad I'm in my late fall years.

  10. So sad about the orchards ... I can't be too critical about development since our new house is on land that used to be owned by one ranch family, and they sold off a section of it to be developed. At least I can take some consolation that the smallest parcels are 8 acres ...

    1. I understand ranchers and farmers wanting and needing to sell portions of their land. What bothers me most is that the county, and the city in particular, is growing too fast. The infrastructure won't support the new developments, exactly what happened in the 1990s.


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