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Seeing Things in Things

See the rat (on the left) walking up the top of the hill?
The Husband and I see faces and shapes in rocks, trees, and other inanimate objects. How about you?

Scientists call this phenomenon of seeing things within things facial pareidolia. Some experts say that neurotic individuals are inclined to have this ability. Other experts claim that this condition is quite strong in religious people and those who believe in the supernatural. Leonardo da Vinci considered pareidolia as a tool that artists can use to visualize possible scenes to paint or draw. Carl Sagan thought that pareidolia was a form of survivor tool for individuals to recognize if approaching people are friendly or not. All interesting theories, don't you think?

A tree full of trolls?

What profile do you see: A person? An antelope? Sideshow Bob?

I'm hooking up with Our World Tuesday. Here's the link for you to check out participants from around the world, and maybe to join up yourself. Thanks, Our World Tuesday hosts!


  1. I see the rat! (But the other ones didn't jump out at me. This is not surprising - my husband says my brain is far too literal to imagine much!)

    1. I always get the meaning of literal and figurative mixed up, because I thought literal minded tended to be more imaginative.

  2. Sideshowbob sounds about right

  3. Sideshow Bob and Trolls, hahaha. I can see them both I had to really look for that rat, but yeah, big time, great eye.

  4. I see the rat which I called a mouse:) I love it...yes...trolls! I actually see a partial 3D version of a duck-billed platypus

  5. Love it! I often see shapes and faces in nature.

  6. Haha, yes i see that, we do that for fun too sometimes! I love the rat.

    About the north of us, there still are a lot of islands north of the mainland. Aside from the Batanes Group of Islands there still are the Babuyan Group and more! Thanks for the visit.

  7. What fun - I mostly spend my time looking at clouds and seeing things up there.

    1. That's where it begins. The stars, too. Except for the two dippers, I can't see the constellations for all the other things I see.

  8. I do enjoy forming shapes in the clouds!

  9. Interesting. Never had given much thought to it. Thank you.

  10. Lovely photography and yes I do see shapes in inanimate objects ~ whatever one might call it ~ LOL

    Happy Week to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Yep, I see the giant rat ... although the badger facing it doesn't look too impressed. :)

  12. Tree branches always fascinate me! I love wandering the river bed near my house and looking up at all the tangles of trees. Great photos!

    1. Thanks, Sharon. Tangles of trees, I love that phrase.


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