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Feeling Free at Sixty-Four!

Yesterday I celebrated my first day of being 64 years old.

How did that happen?

My body knows I'm old. Probably my brain does, too. I'm guessing all old people say that since I have no guidebook for getting older.

Spiritually, I'm that five-year-old wandering in the fields surrounded by tall grass, wildflowers, butterflies, and sun bubbles.

I'm also that young thing uncovering worlds and possibilities.

I feel, again, a freedom to dream, to discover, and to do!


  1. Happy birthday Susie, I hope you had a lovely day :)

  2. Magnificent YOU!!!!
    Circling the Sun . . Blessing all of us while you adventure.
    love & love,
    -Happy Persimmon Face-

  3. A giant HAPPY BIRTH DAY Susieee Mac!!! :D

    1. Thank you! Two days later, I'm still celebrating.

  4. I've got one on you! It's all about attitude. I hate hearing my friends moaning how old they are getting, followed by big sighs.

    1. Sometimes I think some people who moan about getting age have been doing since...forever. ha ha. I don't know. I sigh because I haven't been able to ride my bicycle in awhile.

  5. Sorry, I completely missed your birthday!! Sixty-four is a great age! Brace yourself what you get to hear when you're turning 65, unless you hide it (that's what I did). I would say, enjoy life till the end!

    1. There's always next year, Jesh. :-) Yup. That's my motto: I'm living joyfully until I die. Afterwards, too!


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