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First Rain of the Season!

Late Friday night, we had our first rain. I don't think it rained too long, but it was enough to give us that shiny wetness the next morning. As I'm writing, I hear the plunkity-plunk of the rain on some part of the roof,  the swissshhhh! of water as cars drive by, and the general gentle fall of the rain. 

This is our first rainfall since May.


I'm linking up today with All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by blogger friend Jeanette. Click here to check out her post and the link that leads other participants in the meme. You have until Wednesday, if you'd like to join in.


  1. Nice reflections on the rainy blacktop!

  2. Are you serious? No rain since last May. Isn't weather crazy? Some places have huge floods and others desperately need rain.

    1. That was the last I recall, Betty. Granted this has been a year of interesting events so I may have forgotten a sprinkle somewhere between.

  3. Yes! Here in Marin too. What a blessing

  4. Lovely photo and lovely reflections. We had rain in my part of the country today, the first proper rain for over five weeks - it's been a lovely Indian summer since the beginning of September up to now.

    1. Hurrah, Eunice. I like that phrase of yours "proper rain". That's we need more of here.

  5. I was hoping you guys got some of this storm (we got quite a bit up here in Oregon).

  6. Ah, if only we could have the weather we want, when we want it. :)
    That's a long pause between drinks ... I bet the garden is all bright and shiny too.

  7. Central Florida has rain in the summer but can have droughts winter thru spring. I totally get the joy with rain. Yeah! Enjoy your rain.

    1. I had no idea that's how the weather is in your part of the world. Rain in the summer used to strike me as odd. Now, I'll take it anytime of the year.

  8. Hope you're having a good Monday, Susie! Really glad it's not yesterday anymore, it was like we lived in Holland, cold, rain all day, and very windy! The red wagon brings up pleasant memories, we bought one for our son, and the only two grand sons we have! Many thanks for sharing the wagon for ALL SEASONS! Don't know if I ever told you, but last several years, I go by Jesh, (not Jeannette anymore). Have a great and joyful week!

    1. Hi, Jesh. :-) Ours has been a warm rain. If it was a little warmer, it could almost be like being in Hawaii. I've always wanted a red wagon, so when I saw this at a garage sale, I bought it.

  9. I like that picture because it just feels fresh. We had a dry summer but not as dry as that. It rained so little for 3 months but we did have a sprinkle or 2. Let's hope more rain will come your way

  10. I had a wagon like that when I was a kid. It finally rained here yesterday.


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