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An Unexpected Hug

This morning I heard the happy sound of a young girl running about outside. The voice was unfamiliar. It turned out the sweetness belonged to the niece of our new neighbor.

Sometime later while the Husband and I were talking with the new neighbor's dad, this little girl, who could've been between five and seven, came running up to us. She wore a sweatshirt with the words Crazy Cute. That she certainly was. She zigged behind her grandfather when she didn't recognize us, which I thought was a darling move.

The Husband and I eventually met the new neighbor, his mom, his brother, and his brother's son and the Crazy Cute daughter. As we said our good-byes, Crazy Cute daughter came into the center of us taller people, waving to us. I waved back. Then all of a sudden, she ran over and hugged me. Everyone was as surprised as me.

Today—two days later—I'm hooking up with the participants at Warm Heart Wednesday, hosted by Jenny Matlock of Off on My Tangent. Click here to read what warm-hearted stories others are sharing. You know you want to.


  1. Glad I shared this sweet story!

  2. A hug can come from someone you didn't expect and when you needed it most. How wonderful

    1. The crazy cute daughter totally made my day. :-)

  3. Kids and dogs - they always know who's safe and who needs a hug.

  4. cute, cute, cute - and triple "crazy cute" hugs to you.

  5. Awwww ... Kids just naturally know who needs a hug. :)

  6. This was really crazy sweet ! You must have been happy !

  7. What an unexpected surprise! And love what was on her T-shirt. Hope you had a great weekend! Thank you for commenting on my post of painting the promise:)
    Suddenly it's Monday again and hope you;ll be a part of Seasons again:)

  8. Your new neighbors sound wonderful.

    1. The love the family members have for each other is awesome.

  9. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge - where I am part of Arlee Bird's A to Z Ambassador Team.
    April should be exciting. I'm looking forward to the event. Best of luck to us both on meeting our goals of posting and hopping to other blogs.
    My blog has a giveaway. There's a bonus a to z challenge each day to encourage people to visit more stops.
    I've followed your listed social media.
    This was a heart warming story. I hope to get more smiles (like the one you've just given me) starting on Friday!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, J. We shall see. Life has taken an interesting turn for my family.

  10. Thanks for pointing out the face on the erratic rock in my blog post from last week!

    Unexpected hugs are always the best! A beautiful story that put a smile in my heart.

    Thanks for the visit at

  11. This crazy cute story definitely warmed my heart for week 19.



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