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While I was at the dentist this morning, the tech guy came to fix our Internet connection. I didn't realize he would need to go in our office. Otherwise, I would've stuffed the dirty laundry further into its basket, which is in the hallway outside the office and picked up my bra off the office chair. Or, if I was home, I would've run up the stairs before him and quickly put the unsightly out of sight.

The Husband said he apologized for the mess.

"That's OK," the tech guy said. "Is it that time of year?"

"No," the Husband said. "That's who we are."

The Husband was nice. It's really who I am.

We both wondered what the tech guy meant by 'the time of year'.

Will I be better about the clutter, piles, and things tossed around the office, the hallway, the stairs, and our other spaces?

I doubt it.  I'm going outside to rake some leaves.


  1. Hahahaaa-Something similar happened to me but it was my underwear on the floor. I didn't realize until after he was gone. I believe he is thinking the Christmas season

  2. Ah....such it life! Honesty, I love it! I have messes and piles everywhere too, can't seem to get a handle on it these days. Too much fun elsewhere! Have a great week.

    1. Hi, Anne! So true, about getting a handle on messes and the distraction of fun elsewhere. :-)

  3. Mrs Widds hangs her bras on the bedroom door, on the outside. :D


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