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Watching TV with the Daddy

Yesterday, Georgy, of Jubilee Street and Remember Freedom, wrote a post on her former blog that sparked a memory bubble. (Thanks, Georgy.) That's watching "Bonanza" with the Daddy on Sunday evenings. It came on after "The Wonderful World of Disney." I can't recall if the Daddy watched that with me. If he did, that was nice of him to let me watch it.

We watched TV nearly every evening together in our favorite spots. The Daddy sat on his recliner while I laid on the floor with my legs on the couch.  I had a good excuse for being near the TV. I was the Daddy's channel changer and fixer of the horizontal line on the TV screen.

P.S. I'm linking up with Art Every Day Month Day at Creative Every Day.

P.P.S. Monica, hostess of the NatureFootstep Digital Art Meme, invited me to link up. So, I shall.  Thanks, Monica.


  1. I knew it was Bonanza and the original 4 with Pernell Roberts (Adam). Tell kids today that we had to get up to actually change a channel and they look at you as if you are on drugs

    1. hahahah. We are! All that good stuff for high blood pressure, high cholestrol, arthritis, etc, etc.

  2. What a homey and healing post!

    Warm ALOHA,


    1. I had fun drawing the picture. Maybe I'll take a drawing class one day.

  3. Lovely sketch and sweet memories!

  4. Ah yes, the horizontal lines and having to move the antenna when the picture wouldn't stop rolling. Those were the days.
    Now, I contemplate having a hissy fit when an interwebz page doesn't instantaneously load.

    1. I thought the world would come to an end if I couldn't get that horizontal line to stop. Very nerve wracking.

  5. What an enjoyable post. My grandparents, who raised me, didn't allow a tv in the house while I was growing up. They insisted I needed to be studying, not watching tv. The day I graduated from high school, they bought one. I am sure it didn't have a remote, though. I enjoyed this and loved that you were the channel changer and horizontal line fixer.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I really enjoyed yours and took a brief look around..

    1. Your grandparents must've been so happy when you graduated. The Husband's parents had the same belief. The Husband's a regular TV watcher today, with his magazine on the side to read during commercials.

  6. it´s a cool image. Why not link up with NF DAM too? My digital art meme.

  7. This colorful sketch really appeals to my eye. Such wonderful creativity. We, too, watched Bonanza and sometimes my husband and I watch old reruns even now.

  8. Now that's a flash back channel. Such bright and bold colours round the old black and white screen.


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