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Taking a Trip to Buy Cat Food and Seeing Amazing Clouds

My Alphabe Thursday theme: Places I've Been

The Husband and I drove over to the coast this afternoon to buy food for Molly the Cat. It was something neither of us wanted to do, but Molly ate her last can of food this morning. Yes, we have a very particular cat. She would rather go hungry then eat something that doesn't taste or smell good to her. But, Molly the Cat is not the story today.

The clouds are the story. They were swimming, running, tumbling, dancing, and singing across the perfect blue sky. You see, it rained last night. Hallelujah! It rained throughout the night. Whooo-hooo! And it rained some this morning. Yippee!  

All that wonderful rain left us with clear blue skies and whipped-cream like clouds. And, because the Husband was driving, I took photos. I was good at first, sitting primly (I heard that snort of a laugh) in my seat shooting photos through the passenger window and the windshield. 

Before I knew it, I was leaning out the window. The door was locked. Every now and then I held the camera over the top of the car and clicked it. I have a point-and-click camera, by the way. I discovered that there were some pretty cool photos to be had out the back windows. What ever took me so long to find that out.

I took over 260 photos on our little trip to and from the pet stores. Not to sweat. Here are just three more. Can you see the face with the big lips in the next one? Maybe a dragon's or turtle head in the second photo? And, in the last photo, do you see a Yeti running forward?

Today is the letter T at Alphabe Thursday, a weekly meme hosted by the lovely Jenny Matlock.  Click here to check out what bloggers from around the world are posting about the letter T.


  1. Your cloud pictures are gorgeous!
    Clouds are such a fun subject to photograph. Always different, always interesting. :)

    1. Thank you! I was in zen clicking away at the clouds.

  2. It is always interesting to find faces and objects in clouds. I often do that. I loved your pictures.

    1. Thank you. Imagination is a wonderful thing. I'm glad mine is still intact. :-)

  3. Definitely got the Yeti. We had loads of nose-on-the-side-of-the-frame pics too ... and the snapping turtle in the second one..
    I guess you looked at clouds from all sides now!!!

  4. I love clouds..I really do and yes, I see Mick Jagger, like and the stay puff Marshmellow man:) Those are my versions:)

    1. I thought of Mick Jagger, too, when I first saw those fat lips. lol

  5. All that sky! and Clouds!! beautiful xx

  6. Way to make the most of what could have been a mundane little trip... truly awesome clouds!

    1. I'm very glad that the Husband drove that day. I would've missed getting to photograph it all.

  7. Awesome skies!! I have lots of cloud shots, too! I find them so amazing in their shapes and sizes.

    1. Cool, Betty. I'll come over and see what the clouds look like on your side of the world.


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