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Long, Lanky, and Loves Rosemary

This cute bug dropped by as I was working in the front garden this morning. I have no clue what he or she is. Nor where it came from. I suppose it flew onto the rosemary bush.

Next thing I knew the bug was chomping away on the rosemary! 

Okay, a Google search of rosemary-eating bugs showed round beetles. Nothing long and lanky as this dude or dudette.  Anyone have an idea?


  1. I've spent some time trying to find out what this is- I'd say it belongs to the grasshopper family, but nothing I found was this particular color.

    1. What's weird, Norma, is that I saw the bug as being yellow. But, when I did all the auto adjustment in Photoshop, its natural color came out. The Husband says it's a praying mantis. He thinks it's strange that the bug is here.

  2. Awesome shots. It's a praying mantis, but I've never seen one for myself. Here's a link.

    1. Thanks for the link, Betty. Five eyes, wowza! We have several rosemary bushes. I ought to carry a magnifying glass when I work in the garden. Maybe I'll chance upon another praying mantis. I want to see those eyes first hand.

  3. Yup, praying mantis, we get them around our house too. I've even seen miniature ones!

    1. I read that the praying mantis can eat butterflies and such. I wonder if it could handle a gecko. No. scrap that idea. I like the idea of a gecko and praying mantis teaming up for a good deed adventure.

  4. Yes, a mantis... is it praying or preying? Anyway, these are desirable insects.

    1. hahaha. The praying mantis is preying on mosquitoes. Rather that than butterflies. I got a lot of info from the link that Betty gave me.

  5. Yes. I believe you have a praying mantis. Very nice.

    1. I hope it hangs around. I like the fact that it eats mosquitoes.

  6. Watching a mantis eat is the stuff horror movies are made of ... do this search - if you dare!!!! 'praying mantis eating youtube'

    1. And, how many did you watch before you said, "Jeez! Enough."? (Weird punctuation that.) I watched 4, including the one where a female ate its mate's head as they were doing it. Jeez. I couldn't get over that a praying mantis killed a hummingbird. Shudder.

    2. I watched about five seconds of the first one. That was enough!

  7. This is a praying mantis. It's a diabolical insect but interesting.

    1. I think of the praying mantis liking heavy metal. Or, perhaps opera.

  8. It's a praying mantis. We have all white ones down this way. They actually are an endangered species. But they are good for eating bad bugs in gardens and they are really cool.


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