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S is for the Mama's Spoon

This is the Mama's spoon, the one with which she cooked for as long as I can remember. And, for those who are new to the blog, I'm in my early 60s and the Mama is 30-some years older than me.

I like cooking with the Mama's spoon. It's smooth, fits in my hand, and has the perfect heft to it. I also like the way the metal spoon sounds against a pot or pan. Most of all, I like cooking with it because it's the Mama's spoon.

When I pick up the Mama's spoon, I think of her using it to stir her bittermelon chicken soup, eggplant-bittermelon stew, tabongow chicken soup, pork adobo, ginger beef, fried rice, scrambled eggs, pancit, and diningding (a soup of all the Filipino vegetables in her garden).

In my mind, I see her making Thanksgiving dinner with that spoon. She sauteed the ingredients for the dressing. She basted the turkey. She mashed the potatoes with the back of the spoon. And, she stirred and stirred the gravy.

She cooked a lot of meals with that one spoon.  Nearly all of which were delicious.

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  1. This is a beautiful post about your mama's precious spoon. So much love and delightful memories.

    Letters from the Land of Cherry Blossoms

  2. Lovely memories connected to those spoons!

    1. I didn't realize how much so until I wrote this post.

  3. What a beautiful post. I know exactly what you mean by the spoon. I too have kitchen tools that I got as a wedding present. You'll laugh but I have a potato peeler that I go a little crazy when I can't find it and I got it in with a bunch of small kitchen stuff as a show gift. LOL
    The mama's food makes my mouth water.

    1. P.S I've been trying to grow bitter mellon but it won't happen here. I love that so much and of course they never have it in the stores. Waaaa. I have some seeds left and I'll try it one more time.

    2. I'd probably go nuts if the Mama's spoon went missing. Bittermelon seeds are tough to sprout. The Mama has trouble with them every year. I heard her mumble about planting more seeds. If she has a good crop this year, I'll send you some. At least, the leaves. Now, my mouth is watering thinking of eating fresh bittermelon leaves.

  4. Spoons can have such sentimental value. I love this photo of your mom's spoon.

  5. I love how some objects have such sentimental feelings for us. I have what is called a Quick< which is a German type of spoon. It's not a spoon but it is something that one can use to mis flour and water with and no clumps form

  6. What a treasure! I have a few of my mom's utensils, but I don't have the memories attached to them.

    1. Trudy, I didn't realize I had such memories until I started writing the post. It's a good thing for me.

  7. Such a lovely post! My mom has also given me many kitchen utensils over the years (she's an amazing cook). Also, my hubby is Filipino and though I love pancit, I just haven't developed a taste for bitter melon yet ;)

    1. Thank you. Bittermelon is definitely an acquired taste. Some people just can't handle it, such as the Husband. Eating bittermelon is one big horrible shudder for him.

  8. The perfect spoon is hard to come by and yet easily recognisable to those with the heart to see.

    1. I just heard a door open in my mind when I read what you said.

  9. A lovely treasure! Thank you for this share.

  10. Susie,

    Your story reminds me of my old cheese grater. My mother gave it to me when I was 19 and leaving home to go to university. I almost gave it away recently, but my girls all shouted, "You can't give that away. It's a family heirloom!" Funny how the most unlikely things can become heirlooms, even graters and spoons! Do you know what the Mama's spoon is made of? I like how it is so special to you.

    1. I think the spoon is stainless steel. I also think it's a spoon from the U.S. Navy. The Daddy's cousin may have given it to her a long time ago.

      I tend to think of the Husband's mom's kitchenware as heirlooms so I hesitate to use them, such as her beautiful mixing bowls, because I'm on the clumsy side. The Husband says not to worry. Just use them, if you want. That's what his mom would've wanted.


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