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"Gone" for the Day

Does anyone put up a "Gone Fishing" sign anymore?

I think it's a good idea to check out now and then. So, I'm posting my sign. Hopefully, I'll get some good reading done. See ya tomorrow.


  1. good idea!
    I wonder what you are reading.
    Right now, I'm listening to two and reading one.

    1. I read a mystery set in Victorian London. I'll write about it soon.

  2. Writing late as I enjoyed creating cards today:) Hope your day was fun

  3. Susie,

    I love the picture! I hope you enjoyed your reading day. Please share your book!

  4. What a good idea. I can never find the time for reading and if I try it during the day, I get a thousand interruptions. Very early mornings are the best for me ...... until the critters want to be fed, that is. Much love to you.

    1. Lunch time is when I have a chance to read for fun. I think I will at night, but my mind and brain is usually too tired to look at words by then. Hugs, Manzi!


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