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The Mama and Her Authentic Green Thumbs. . .and Fingers

The sun had set but the Mama continued to bury the dried leaves from the miracle tree into the soil in preparation for spring planting. She was nearly finished and she would accomplish her task. It did not matter to her that night was falling and getting colder. And with luck, her daughter would not come along and bully her to stop and go inside the house already.

That was yesterday evening. Her daughter -- me! -- did come along. I don't think I bullied her, but I did make a silly exasperating remark about it being cold and dark, as I put her garden bench away for the night. She did finish her gardening task, by the way.

The lovely dedicated crew at ABC Wednesday (begun by Mrs. Nesbitt) is starting a new weekly round of the alphabet today. So, I've decided to do a theme for this round -- The Mama and Her Authentic Green Thumbs. . .and Fingers. Among this avid, assiduous agriculturist's feats are taking the stink out of broccoli, growing three awesome producing apple trees from seeds, and coaxing hundreds of tomatoes from volunteer plants.

And, how can I not mention that this amazing nonagenarian still wields a mean set of pruning sheers. Sometimes doing so while balancing about five feet off the ground on a ladder. That is, when no one is looking!

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  1. the shears are too long for you. The ant baits are that, boric acid.

    1. I can't convince the Mama about the shears being too long for her. Fortunately those one don't work too well anymore.

  2. Oh there is no stopping our little mothers when they are determined to do something.


  3. A Mama can always do a lot more than we know and think they can. Lovely garden and pretty flowers.

    1. I do admire the Mama for continuing to want to do things.

  4. Thanks for your authentic post!
    Have a great week and thanks for your visit.
    Wil, ABCW Team.

  5. Such a lovely garden. Mamas are so cute in their own dear ways.
    My mama has a tiny kitchen garden and she loves every little plant there.
    She wont even eat her breakfast till she has watered and taken care of the plants.
    To all mamas around the world.

  6. Lovely task...I am also taking notice of that cute cup/saucer bird bath♪

  7. Oh mothers! I admire her! She keeps going despite the point that she shouldn't. be happy how great your mom is as I now wish I could still be upset with my mom about doing too much (my mom has dementia). I love the tea cup and will have to show this to my hubby and steal your idea for the garden

    1. Maybe your mom would like to look at birdy tea cup feeder. Mine keep falling off the pole because I haven't found the right kind of glue yet. It's the sun that melts it off. One of these days I'll experiment with bolting the cup and saucer to the pole.

  8. Gardeners always seem to have long lives, she sounds wonderful.
    Joy - ABC Team

    1. It's all that oxygen they breathe in every day. :-)

  9. I can just imagine a cluster of little old lady birds gathered round that teacup, encouraging the Mama when no other humans can hear them!

    1. Tweet, tweet. You go, Lady! You go! Tweet, tweet.


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