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Five YEAR Plan

The other week, the Husband and I decided on a five year plan. First five year plan we've ever made about anything, too. The best part about it: We're already in year three. (By the way, did I use that colon punctuation properly?)

What is this five year plan? And, how is that related to the photos of our hair?

I'm glad you asked. This tale starts in 2010 when the Husband and I decided to go bald. The Husband also chose to shave off his mustache and beard. You can read that story here, if you're interested. In 2011, we shaved off our hair again. In 2012, we wondered how long our hair would get after two years. When 2013 came along, we got used to our messy look and thought about trimming it all once the temperatures got very hot. They never did.

So, here we are again at our anniversary of shorn locks. The last time my hair has been this long was in my youth, albeit (oooh, love that transitional word) my hair back then was much, much thicker. The Husband says the same thing. About the length of his hair, that is. He's still got a thick mane on him.

Having no goals or objectives these days about anything, we thought why not? Let's make this hair growing thing a five year plan. We shall see.

Here we are in 2011.

I'm participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge this month. To check out other participants, click here. See you tomorrow.    


  1. Wow, five years. I get a bit nuts if my hair is too long :) At the moment, I need a hair cut but I've been wearing plaits to keep it of my neck.

    1. I'm still figuring out the easiest way to braid my hair, now that it's finally long enough to do. That's one of the things I've always wanted to do. Only took 4 decades to accomplish that goal. :-)

  2. Your husband has a lot of hair! Goodness!!! I have to admire any woman who would shave their head if they didn't have to! I don't think I ever could!!

    1. Doesn't he do. I envy the fullness of his mane. He says it's because he brushes his hair fully and thoroughly every morning.

  3. I could never shave my hair off so i must hand it to you. I will check out the reason why but I am guessing it is to make wigs for people who have lost their hair due to cancer. I have a feeling it is for a wonderful cause. Now I will check out the story

  4. Ok just checked it out and you have alot of guts to just do it for no reason-hahahaha-but I think you are doing it now to donate-most women would kill for your husband's hair

    1. I tell the Husband that women and men (our age) envy his locks. I think it's merely silliness that I have. I really don't buck conventions. That much. :-)

  5. Oh I would look so funny with a shaved head. lol I don't get mine cut often but actually went yesterday and got a bunch cut off. It's up at my shoulders now and feels so weird!

    1. I think it's the weight of the hair. There'll be less of it pulling (correct word) at our scalp. I have my hair up right now because it's a hot day. But, I don't get that same sensation when I have very short hair.

  6. Hi from the A to Z challenge! I went about two years without cutting my hair, and then I found someone who cleaned it up but kept the length. And then I had her cut it. I still kind of miss it, and that was more than a month ago. But it grows, right?

  7. Wow, that's a huge change! I used to go bald in my teens, but now everyone would hate me if I do :) -- you guys look cheery and comfy btw!

    Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  8. Wow! You are so brave. I have grown hair quite long - it's the longest it's ever been now, and then cut it short, like a bob, but not bald.

    Maui Jungalow

    1. I don't know if I'd go bald again, intentionally. But, we did finally buy hair clippers so we can do the job ourselves. Won't go to waste. I've been cutting the Husband's hair for years.

  9. I get the fidgets if my hair gets anywhere near my eyes. Impressed I am!

    1. I'd like to try bangs but can't stand hair touching my forehead. I could try the Oliver Hardy look. :-)

  10. You two are so fun! I've typically worn mine long, but there was one year I was so inspired by Audrey Hepburn and Gwyneth Paltrow in the films Roman Holiday and Sliding Doors, respectively, that I marched into a salon and had my hair chopped down to boy-short. It felt so liberating, and I had a blast with it for a few years until I got sick of having to use so much product to keep it in shape (I have very fine, thin hair that needed the oomph). Now that it's long again, I just blow-dry and bodda-boom-bodda-bing. Ironically my lower maintenance option. I can only imagine how freeing it felt for you to shear it all off, though! Maintenance free! And you look absolutely darling. :)

  11. Susie,

    Oh my! You are such a fun person. I could never shave off all my hair. I usually get it trimmed every 6 weeks. I'm a bit fussy about my hair! Great story!

    1. Thank you! The one thing I don't like about long hair is washing it. Oh well. The bad with the good.

  12. That is cool that you and your husband have a goal that you do together.

    1. The couple that works on a silly goal together, have...great laughs together. :-)


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