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Winter's End

There have been years where I've missed spring completely. I often started writing projects in late autumn or early winter that would have summer deadlines. I left the house mostly to go grocery shopping, run errands, and attend engagements. Not until May would I realize that I did it again. No spring. Sigh.

The month of March is one of my favorite months. To me, March is the essence of spring. Plants giggle "Hello" as they pop up through the ground. Trees sing with blossoms and new leaves. California poppies, blue larkspurs, and other crazily colorful wildflowers smile above expansive fields of grass. The yellow mustard laughs through the orchards. The hillsides shout green, green, green.

It was easy for me to forget when I lived in city settings with miles of concrete and canyons of buildings. And, as my freelance career took off, the rides and walks into nature became far and few.

It's much differently now since the husband and I have moved to the town where I grew up. Although it has developed over the years, there still is a lot of rural to it. So even though I may be hot and heavy into a project, such as now, whenever I go out, I am reminded instantly. Spring has come.

Yes, it has.

For more spring vistas of my area, please visit this page at my other blog, Take 25 to Hollister.

I am participating in Alphabe-Thursday, a weekly meme hosted by Jenny Matlock. Today is the letter W. You can check out other W posts by clicking here.


  1. Spring is certainly my favourite season too!

  2. I love spring too! I wish we didn't have pollen to deal with. JDaniel get skin rashes due to it. I do love the weather!

  3. Happy Spring and St. Patty's day to you! Hope you enjoy!

  4. I'm used to a quicker Spring than this. We got more snow last night. I can see it on the neighbor's roof.

  5. I like the way you describe the flowers and plants waking up after a long winter. You make them sound so happy and giggly.

    Are you doing your alphabet blog fest just before you post or do you have them ready ahead of time? I'm getting ready for one and doing 2 a day so they'll all be finished when the time comes. I just did Q and R today.

  6. It's always refreshing to see the new growth popping up from through the ground and old leaves. Means there's hope that the world isn't totally grey and warmer days are coming.

  7. Hooray! We love spring!! And what a great shot - really like how your car frames the yellow flowers (and a stark contrast nature and manmade)... lovely. And we do love spring.... :-)


  8. jfb57, hello fellow spring lover!

    JDaniel4's Mom, that happens to me, too. Soo hard not to scratch.

    Theresa, right back at ya!

    Alice, we're supposed to have a good old winter storm this weekend. Good reading/writing weather.

    Manzi, yep that's how I hear them. I thought about participating in the April blog fest but then when will I do my work. Maybe next year.

    Judie, Happy Spring to you, too!

    ryoko861, you said it, lady!

  9. Thanks, Maggy. Much of my phototaking is luck. I put up the photo first. Had no idea what I would say, and when it was over I realized how well they worked together. Such is creating. :-)

  10. "Plants giggle Hello" what an awesome sentence. Beautiful words.

  11. love the photo shot.
    spring is around the corner...
    have fun with your projects.

  12. Gaurang, thank you. :-)

    Jingle, thanks. I shall do just that. :-)

  13. But I was just thinking how nice it is when you can sit inside while golden sunlight lights the page. Doesn't work to well when it's always overcast.

  14. I love the idea of plants giggling! What a great visual that was!

    It sounds like your weather is getting lovely! Hooray for spring.

    Thanks for a sweet stop on the little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "W".

    You made me smile.


  15. Alice, true. But, that's where the light switch comes in handy. Ah, I couldn't resist. :-)

    Jenny, that's why plants are so colorful. It's all that giggling.

  16. i feel spring in march in cali, too. when i lived in chicago, it didn't arrive until may. hence i moved to cali:)


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