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The Blogathon Finish Line

Back on the first of May, I wrote: "Can I think up something to post everyday for the next 30 days?  Will I miss a day or two because I've forgotten? Shall my slacker self balk at the discipline? Stay tuned."

So, here we are, dear readers. Thirty-one days later. To sum up: I wrote a post a day in May. I  almost forgot to write something for the 30th. The slacker self would've probably balked if the anal-retentive self hadn't written two or three posts at a time to stay ahead of the game.

Now comes the big question: Shall I continue writing and posting daily? Here's my roundabout answer.

Once upon a time I used to jog regularly and got to the point where I entered fun runs for the t-shirts. The longest run I did was the crazy Bay to Breakers. I ran, well jogged, all  8+ miles. It took me about 50 minutes, I'll have you know. Pretty good for a fat chick. When I crossed the finish line, I was exhilarated and numb. I just had enough energy to walk another mile to find a bus and climb up my stairs to crash for the rest of the day.

That is how I feel about the end of the daily posting. Maybe in a day or two, some space will free up in my brain and I can truly enjoy this blogathon accomplishment, think about what I got from it, and, most importantly, where do I go from here.

A big shout out to Michelle Rafter of WordCount  for hosting the 2010 blogathon. Thank you, Michelle!!!! You're one-of-a-kind.


  1. yeah, i've got that slacker self and anal-retentive self too. it works out somehow. congrats!

  2. It does feel exhilarating to have finished, doesn't it! Now I'm having withdrawal, missing all the action. I agree, Michelle is awesome!

  3. Ed, thanks. Congrats to you, too.

    Alexandra, you bet!


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