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Simple Things

Yesterday evening I stood in the upstairs hallway window sanding and gluing cups and saucers together for bird feeders. Yep, dear readers, I've actually attempted my first craft for the summer. But that's not the tale of today's post. At least I don't think that's where this is heading.

So, back again to me working by the open hallway window. I was enjoying the long light and soft breeze of the summer solstice evening. I was also liking the sound of the running water below. The husband was enjoying the summer solstice by hand-watering the lawn. Who knows where he mentally transported himself while he stood and inched his way around the lawn with the green hose.

The blackbirds who have claimed our lawn as their pasture also were enjoying the summer solstice. They padded along the cement, hopped over the snaking green hose, and walked on the wet lawn behind, beside, and far from the husband.

Simple pleasures.

It was a great way to end a fabulous first day of summer. Ours included a surprise refund check from the "feds," which is what the IRS officer with whom I talked called them, the mailing of our corrected galleys for our next book, and a bicycle ride to town. Whoo-hoo to all three!

How did your first day of summer go? I hope it was full of fun and pleasure.


  1. i'm in hawaii vacationing, as i spent it in 80-degree green ocean water, with family and friends. pretty durn gorgeous.


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