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July 10, 2024

Dear Blog,

I didn’t come back yesterday like I hinted I would, so very sorry. When I was about to work on a post, the Husband said the Internet was down. It came back in the evening but I was done for the day. Now, why did I feel a need to give you an excuse for not showing up yesterday? I know better. 

Own it, let it go, move on. That’s what I learned from my dad. Not in those words, but that idea.

Daddy wouldn’t accept excuses from me while I was growing up. He stopped me short anytime I tried. He had no time for lame reasons about why I didn’t do what I was supposed to do. Nor did he want to hear why I did something such as crash into a car coming around a blind bend on a mountainous road, which I suppose a teenage girl should not have been driving on. Daddy expected me to accept the consequences, and because he was fair, quite fair, I did so willingly. And because I told him the truth, and probably showed my remorse, most of the time he would give me his fierce look, grunt very firmly, but oh so gently, “Don’t do that again, yami (meaning do you understand!),” and turned away. 

So, that’s my story for the day. 

Until later, alligator, 
Septuagenarian Barefoot Susie


  1. Replies
    1. Hi, Alex! Having an older guy for a dad has its advantages.

  2. A blog does not need to be fed daily. If you want to, though, I find it's easier to write posts ahead and then schedule them to post. (As of right now, I have the rest of this week set and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday ready to go for next week.) Then internet outages don't effect the blog.

    1. I’ve told myself that’s what I ought to do. I actually thought of you when it came to mind a couple posts back.


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