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Self-Motivation x 13

Hi ya! Yes, today is Friday. Before I could publish this post yesterday afternoon, the Internet server went down. As was the cable, it turned out. Nothing until this morning. Without the iPad and TV, the Husband and I had a wonderful time reading, talking, and not falling asleep on the couch. Old-time doings, to do more often. 
So, on with yesterday’s post. See ya. . . .

This week, LeeAnna, hostess of I Like Thursday, asked participants if and how they make lists. Yep, I certainly do, especially when I have a bunch of things to remember or I need to seriously keep myself focused on task. Lately, except for writing things we need at the supermarket, I’ve an aversion to list making. Not much gets done when that happens. 

So, today, I’m encouraging myself with a list of thirteen things to tell myself when I hesitate to try, start, do, and finish stuff.
You can do it!
Keep on keeping on.
Onward and upward.
Take one step. Take another. Now another.
Center of the Earth within my soul.
Yi-haw! (These days, knee-haw!)
Heel, toe. Heel, toe.
Chaeg-imjida! (Chag-im-chi-da!) Korean for “Take charge!”
Nothing to it.
Slowly, slowly, here I go. 
Take a deep breath. Let go.
I got this. 

Hurrah, I have a list to share with Thursday 13. No doubt putting together the list helped me. Be sure to take a look at the other participants’ posts.

And, be sure to check out LeeAnna and other participants at I Like Thursday!


  1. Good to see you back post knee surgery. Wish you a quick recovery. And Take charge does sound like the best advice.

    1. Thanks, Rajani. I’m doing far better recouping than I imagined, knee-haw!

  2. I like your 13 things, especially the "heel toe, heel toe" :)

  3. I agree, Susie, self talk is very important! What we say inside our heads can make all the difference in the world!

  4. It sucks when the internet goes down. Glad you're restored.

    1. The next evening we were falling asleep in front of the TV, lol.

  5. Maybe all this silent remote one-way communication is what ails society.


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