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Oh, my gosh, did I have fun shopping last Saturday morning! Good pal L and I stopped in at the thrift store, which was having a half-off everything except for the jewelry, and two garage sales. I scored, I tell you, like a bandit. The photo shows some of the stuff I’ll be reusing, repurposing, and enjoying.

All together, I bought:
(1)  Five picture frames, of which one is a framed bulletin board
(2)  Two silk scarves and a pair of black shorts 
(3)  Two paperbacks and the Pride and Prejudice DVD with Colin Firth playing Mr. Darcy
(4)  Seven or (or is it eight?) metal racks of assorted types and sizes
(5)  Fabric scraps, including a yard or so of felt in gorgeous peacock blue
(6)  A 6.5-inch tall ceramic mug with blue flowers
(7)  A basket that looks like a picnic basket Yogi Bear and Boo Boo might steal
(8)  A long two tier candleholder centerpiece, which may become a planter for succulents
(9). An old pasta drying rack (that will probably never be used for its intended purpose; I liked to box it came in)
(10)  Two new zippered pouches and a mini credit-card size wallet
(11)  Two sets of yellow chopsticks, two humongous old-fashioned clothes pins, a package of blue buttons, and a tiny package of tiny puffy red hearts
(12)  A Jonathan Winters album—why, you ask? Okay, I ask? We have no record player. It was free.
(13)  An old hard suitcase, from the 1940s or 1950s, which kept calling out to me, no matter where I was on that driveway! 

And, I got all my wonderful treasures for a grand total of $28 and some cents. Yi-haw!

I’m now heading over to Thursday 13 and I Like ThursdaysCome join me, if you please. Until later, cheers!


  1. Replies
    1. I’m pretty pleased, with root beer on top, with my finds.

  2. I love old suitcases and travel trunks! what a collection you got

    1. and why is google acting like they don't know me? LeeAnna

    2. I’m a sucker for old hard suitcases and boxes. And, crates. It’s a good thing I don’t come by them too much.

  3. Are you gonna paint that suitcase? Thrift shopping is my version of playing the lottery. Sometimes we win big.

    1. We shall see. Probably in time. I like the texture of it, so I doubt I’ll decopauge it.

  4. I love a good thrift store! You got some great things!

  5. As a thrift store lover, I so enjoyed this post! You certainly did score, had a lot of fun and it didn't cost an arm and a leg. I don't understand why everyone doesn't shop at them. It would also help the planet.

  6. That blue felt is striking... would love to see how it can be used! Candleholder planter sounds fun too!!!!

    1. While I was painting a bookcase today, I decided to glue some of the felt to the shelves.

  7. Wow, what a great haul! I can see why that suitcase appealed. I would have wanted it too; it does call out. I was shocked at the 65-inch mug – until I realised there's a little dot in there to make it 6.5. :-D

    1. hahahaha, I’m 5 feet. I could turn a 65 inch mug into a very tiny house.

  8. I always loved going to garage sales when I lived in Texas and here we have some amazing thrift stores. I am trying to donate more than I collect now though. I'm out of room. I would MAKE room for that suitcase though! It is amazing! WOW!

    1. I finally got rid of enough junk to make room for new junque. lol

  9. Sometimes there are things that just do call to you. You can't resist. You will regret it if you do. (I have seen record players for sale in various places. Vinyl is vintage, and collectible. And so I've seen various retailers with record players for sale.)

    1. The Husband and I talk about getting a record player, which would them mean looking for records that we once owned. Should we, is the question.

  10. You got some great treasures! Thrift stores are fun to explore.

  11. ...we have been decluttering and hauling things to Goodwill.

    1. No doubt other people will be enjoying your stuff.


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