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Vote for Me

Once upon a time, not so long ago and not at all far away, the Husband and I attended a candidate’s forum. We wanted to see the candidates in action, how well they spoke and articulated their ideas, their ease before an audience, their ability to answer questions about specific issues briefly and succinctly, and if they paid attention to their competitors when it was their turn to speak. All that fun stuff that we can’t tell from their campaign statements, their websites, or news articles about them. 

Here are  13 reasons some of the various candidates for local, state, and federal offices said why they should be elected. Not in these precise words, of course, but these ideas.

Vote for me because:

I am the face of the demographics of this district.

I am new. The incumbent has been in office too long, doesn’t matter that she has successfully executed what I would like to do if elected.

I’m the voice of my constituents who want to make sure anyone we don’t like is pushed back to the wall. Waaay back. 

I’m more qualified than any other candidate here. For more about me, go to my website.

I will carry on the legacy of my relative who served several terms in this same seat once upon a time.

I was born and raised here. My family goes back literally 500 generations.

I will represent my constituents, you know who you are. 

I am for slow, smart growth. Whatever that is. 

I will bring transparency to the office. Our county will soon be in some kind of danger, which only I can resolve because only I know the problem.

I’ve been to more board meetings than all of the other candidates combined.

I do not want new taxes. 

I’ll get rid of any and all teaching of critical thinking skills and any U.S. history that makes us chosen ones look bad.

I know what I’m talking about. You may not understand me, but believe me when I say you want me to represent you. Trust me. What was I saying?

Heaven help us.

It’s time for Thursday 13. Cheers!


  1. ...there's one sure way to know if a politician is lying, see if their mouth is moving!

  2. Oh wow. I covered many a campaign when I was writing for the newspaper, but that was over 15 years ago and times have changed. And not for the better, I'm afraid.

    1. The one fresh breath of air among the candidates was the incumbent for the House. It would be a shame if she doesn’t get re-elected..

  3. I am convinced that politics is a lower life form, on the level of primordial slime perhaps.

    1. David, I suppose politics is a given in any organization. There’s nearly always somebody who becomes greedy with power.

  4. Oh my. It's like they don't even do the dog whistles anymore. They say the quiet parts out loud.

  5. I sure hope heaven helps us too!

  6. I was gone at the time. I assumed it was archived. Apparently it wasn't!?!

    1. Benitolink or the Election Office might have a video.


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