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Short Short Story, # 2022-1

Ten minutes. 

He said it would take them ten minutes to get to to the best view of the valley.  That was two hours ago. She had to stop and photograph every little bug, flower, cloud, and rock she saw on the trail. No way was he going to see her again, thought Walt. He won’t take any of her calls. No text messages, no nothing, damn it. 

“That bend is coming up. Just over the rise!” yelled Walt at Agatha’s back ascending even further up the slope. He doubted she would want to see him again either. She could hear his uneven breathing, he figured. That’s why she’s so far ahead.

Walt stumbled, falling face down on the rocky trail. As he struggled to get up, he sputtered and coughed and hacked and gagged, and made all sorts of sounds he never knew he could make.

“Relax, relax,” said Agatha, stroking Walt’s back with a firm, gentle hand. “Slowly take a deep breath. Now, release slowly. In, out. In, out. Think of your happy place, see it, be there. Breathe deeply, in, out, in, out.”

“What a view!” Walt said, floating above the stranger of a woman, watching her calm him back to easy breathing. He had to try. Where could they go on their second date? he wondered.


Friday Writings is where I’m heading. It’s a weekly meme hosted by Poets and Storytellers United. Hope you’ll come join me. 


  1. This is wonderful, simply wonderful writing! Brava and Cheers.

  2. There seems to be a lot going on there.

  3. Bravo. Nice one Su-sieee. Tell us about the second date .


    1. Thank you, Gillena. Agatha wasn’t interested in another. :-)

  4. Oh, you pulled me right into both the landscape and the protagonist's mind. I love the switch at the end.

  5. Great storytelling! And I love the twist at the end. :)

  6. Haha ... I knew he would have to "fall" for this woman by the end as she was too wonder struck not to love!

  7. I like the picture that goes with the story!

  8. Enjoy barefoot days while you can. Your prose sampler reminded me when I fell in Ireland. I missed as step, fell with blood now on my face, hands, and legs. Two fairly folk ran from each side to help me up. My words to them? "I just want to lay here." I did get up, the young man I sent down the hill to find Mrs. Jim. The young lady stayed and talked with me. Of course I didn't ask her for a date.

      The Houston doctors found that I had also fractured my kneecap. Broken into three pieces, Pease Symbol shaped. And it didn't heal, only calcified .

    2. Ouch! But, a calcified peace sign, that’s kind of cool. I hope it’s not too painful for you, Jim.

  9. Sometimes when people in a relationship are so different, it's a good chance to bring out the best in each other.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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