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Patiently Waiting

 It was a long wait at the ophthalmologist's office the other day because of an emergency, as well as the office being down one doctor. So the impatient ones in the waiting room snarled, fidgeted, and sighed. Me, I pulled out a receipt from my purse and doodled.


  1. Great use of your time. I know I like to bring along a knitting project, although more often than not, lately I'm playing a game on my phone.

  2. What a great doodle and a great way to wile away the time. I hope you are doing well and were not too affected by the fires which, I think, were far enough away but maybe you had to deal with the smoke...I hope not.

    1. Thanks, Birgit. Thankfully, we were and are far away from the major fires. The smoke still found its way over to us though. Every so often we figure out we're out of breath because of the poor air quality.

  3. Su-sieeemac - well, I think that qualifies as more than a DOODLE! And good for you, keeping your calm.

    1. I love my doctor so am willing to sit it out. Thank goodness I had scratch paper and pen in my purse!

  4. Hello, your doodle is pretty, It was a great way to pass the time. Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. I had that happen at my last eye appointment. I went and sat in my car and read a book. Too many unmasked people in the waiting room. I like your doodle. I can't draw well at all.

    1. Thanks, Anita. Drawing well is subjective. I don't think I draw well, but I'm not stopping. :-) Fortunately for us, the State has a mandate for wearing masks in public places. And, now counties are getting into the act and fining people who don't wear them.

  6. It's always useful to have something to do at Dr's appointments.. :)

    1. I was impressed with the videotapes of natural health and food tips and info that the office was showing. But, next time, I'll have my reading material with me, for sure.


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