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Bwak, Bwak, Bwak-Bwak!

Yesterday afternoon we hung out at the San Juan Bautista Chicken Festival. Bwak, bwak.

We sang along with Gilroy Ukulele Jam, as they performed "Chickens in the Sky" (think: Ghostriders in the Sky), "Ukelele Girls" (think: Buffalo Girls), and other cool songs. Methinks it's time to learn to play a few ukelele songs. Strum, strum, strum.

We missed the crowing contest, but I still got to crow and bwak-bwak with the ukelele band. Sooo fun!

The weather yesterday was wonderful. No 100s. No 90s. Reasonable 80s for dancing in the street. (By the way we actually got a few minutes of rain today. Yipppieee!)

It was a small town festival, the kind I like. Three or four short blocks with a bunch of crafts booths, a few food vendors, and several people selling their used stuff. We bought a very cool old-fashioned floor lamp for five bwaks and I got a pair of sunglasses, which resembled something Yoko Ono might wear, for 50 cents. Score!

One of our missions that day was to drink a special brew created specifically by local Brewery Twenty Five to commemorate the mission city's 150th Anniversary. And, that we did, out of special-edition jars, one of which the sweet, sentimental Husband bought.

Sorry, no photos to show off the festival. I left the point-and-click at home, which I'm doing a lot more. Don't know how long that'll last.  But, for your pleasure, here are six photos of the nearly full moon that I clicked with the iPad on Saturday night.

Now, off we go to visit the memes in which I'm participating today: All Seasons and Mosaic Monday. Happy trails to you.


  1. I remember that moon, it was soo huge! Great captures:) Too bad you forgot to take your camera to that festival!
    As long as you continue to practice your ukelele, you might end up one time playing at this festival - that would be fun! Thanks for your fun Bwak bwak for All Seasons, Susie! have a great week. By the way, today here - it rained for two solid hours, and it was in the 60ties, have long everything on, and socks, mind you!

    1. Two hours, wowza! We had maybe 10 minutes or so, enough to wet the sidewalks. I was volunteering at the museum then. We went out and stood in the rain. Felt so good.

  2. A Chicken Festival sounds like a LOT of fun!

  3. Su-sieeemac - I think I prefer your drawing over any pictures. Bwak-bwak! We went to a small-town Celtic Festival on Saturday and it was a delightful mix of vendors, beer, Highland Games and music. My kind of place! Love your moon photos - very artsy! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

    1. Thanks, Angie. I forgot to put a ukelele in my drawing. The chicken will represent it. Bwak, bwak, bwak.

  4. I can't wait for the sun to weaken and cool weather makes a comeback.

    1. Molly the Cat is with you. She loses her appetite in extreme heat. Silly girl glares at us as if saying "Stop making it so hot!"

  5. that's my kind of fun festival! How was the beer?

    1. I think the brewers ought to offer the beer more often. It was a perfect taste to sip on an Autumn day.

  6. left your camera home? Don't you remember the American Express add with the line, don't leave home without it?

  7. Always seems to me YOU have more fun than AnyOne . . . 💙
    love & love,

  8. Well you can always draw the scenes like a court artist. The moon shots are a trip.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Cool, Colleen! I love knowing the moon shots are trippy.


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