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Life is Good

1. "Caramel corn would taste good right now?" I said to the Husband. "Yeah," said he. "I wonder where we could get some." "Bertuccio's has some," I replied. "Or we can learn to make caramel corn."

2. The Husband and I have been moving and switching furniture in the house.

3. The old bureau now sits in the front yard waiting to be stained and turned into a big happy planter.

4. Our clothes now rest in the Husband's more narrow dresser that his parents gave him over 50 years ago.

5. The late 1800s parlor organ sits in the foyer waiting to be dusted, photographed, and sold to someone who would enjoy owning it next.

6. The TV, modems, and such now rest on a 1950s dresser rather than the organ. The dresser's name is Roy Rogers because of its cowboy look. At least in my mind.

7. The creamy leather recliner now sits in the living room. The Husband took his first nap on it last night.

8. I love coming home to see Spring in our yard.

9.  I made a broth out of a salmon head, green garlic, lemon, half a white onion, julienne ginger, 1/4 stick of butter, 2 tablespoons or so of the arugula pesto, and water.

10. The Husband and I sat outside on the patio this afternoon sipping a bowl of the soup along with munching on crunchy, salty potato chips. Missy Girl decided to join us as we slurped the last drops.

11. Do, re, me. The Husband looks mighty cute in his suspenders of musical notes.
12.  A 13-petal tumble blossom came out of my imagination this afternoon with the tools of water color pencils, oil pastels, and a fine-tip pen.

13. Volunteer golden poppies: It's Spring!

It's Thursday, so I'm heading over to  Thursday 13 and I Like Thursdays. Come join me. Thank you, Dear Hosts!


  1. So many musical chairs. So much to celebrate!

    1. It only took us almost 3 years to start moving things around. lol

  2. You name your furniture? Well, I do know someone who names his computers...

    1. So far only Roy Rogers. The Husband and I couldn't agree whether to call it a bureau or dresser and because we had it in the foyer storing stuff, we were confusing each other when we said to look there. Hence, we call it Roy Rogers. Hmmmm, I name my computers. lol

  3. Your yard is lovely in bloom! Happy spring to you and your husband! Love his suspenders :)

  4. Love your front yard and love seeing it since it is gloomy, grey and we have sleet right now. Love to see a picture of the old organ and hope it goes to a good home.

    1. It's weird weather patterns all over. I have no idea what's normal anymore. Hope you get some blue skies soon.

  5. A most excellent list! :) . . . what's the tune on the Husband's braces?

  6. I love the profusion of flowers in your yard!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Hi Susie! Look at those beautiful poppies. That is a true sign on Spring although up here in Wisconsin they don't pop until the end of May or early June. Well, did you have some caramel corn?? I love it myself! We are about to start a big Spring cleaning project - wash all the windows inside and out, curtains and blinds; move all the furniture around, vacuum and clean the carpets, etc. It will be so nice to finally be able to have the windows or doors open for even a little bit. ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. I made popcorn with butter. One day I'd like to make up my own concoction of Cracker Jacks. Maybe even throw in a toy. :-)

  8. I love this post! I am a caramel corn lover for starters...a product called Crunch n Munch cannot come in this house! Pleasurable to see the summery look in your yard and yes to poppies that just reseed like that. Sipping homemade soup outside!!
    I don't know why it takes time to get the house sorted out like that...same thing here.
    And a big yes to exercising your creativity.

    1. The Husband and I lose all mindfullness when it comes to yummy desserts and snacks. We polish them off just like that. :-)

  9. I completely enjoy the story of YOU . . Thank you for sharing.
    love & love,

  10. Happy Spring! Oh those poppies! and your yard .., and the fish/green garlic broth sounds light and perfect for early spring. ... I wish I could find a nice spot for all the electronic paraphernalia.

    1. Hey ya Sallie! The fish broth was inspired by a seafood pasta dish I had a couple days before. Oh my gosh the broth was so tasty. The only difference between the restaurant's and mine was that the chef used white wine in his.
      Roy Rogers wasn't wide enough for all the electronic stuff. Fortunately, cables were able to stretch so the DVD player was set on a nearby bookcase.

  11. I wonder where the tumble blossom will tumble, maybe lavender fields to show off its colors.
    You're making fish head soup, now I can't get that song out of my fish head, rolling polly fish head.
    I think our springs look nothing alike (is that a word, it looks funny at 1 in the morning).
    You have an 1800s organ in your house, what else you got in that bag, Mary Poppins?

    1. Springs--boing, boing. That has me thinking of box springs, springs in old sofas, and how my hair boings about when I get a perm, which I think about doing one more time.
      Yesterday we drove around a new neighborhood in which the developers graced every yard with purple flowers. I couldn't tell what they were. I think they were drought resistant.
      I wouldn't mind pulling out an umbrella from my pocketbook that lets me fly.

  12. your garden is looking lovely, spring is on it's way, and it sounds like life is good. Enjoy, have a fabulous week, and thankyou for visiting my blog last week.


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