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Don't these daisies look like space aliens of some kind? That's what came to my mind when I saw them at the farmer's market last year. So, of course I had to buy a pot. For two bucks, I couldn't go wrong.

Arugula is my new favorite vegetable right now. I like its kick. So far, though, I make a pesto out of the bitter greens. As with any dish, there are different kinds of arugula pesto recipe out there. Here's the one I made up yesterday: I grinded and blended a batch of arugula, a handful of parsley, 8 big garlic cloves, olive oil, a bit of water, Parmesan cheese, and salt and white pepper to taste.

I loved how green the concoction looked. A perfect Spring dish. Maybe next time I'll think about taking a photo. Also next time I'll add a lot more shredded Parmesan. (I only had 1/4 cup in the fridge.)

A Glorious First Day of Spring, One and All!

I'm linking up to two fun memes today: ABC Wednesday and Say Cheese! Come check out the other participants with me. :-)


  1. Oooh, the purple tree is pretty.

    1. The original owner planted the tree. It's the only one that later owners (three) didn't pull out of the front, for which I'm thankful.

  2. those daisies are really neat - as soon as I saw them, I thought, "they look like aliens"! and for $2? I'd Definitely get a few! the pesto sounds tasty, and that last shot is really nice ~

    1. Thank you, Mama Pajama. The "aliens" doubled, almost tripled, in size, yippieee. I might try to propagate some this year.

  3. Those daisies reminded me of the photos I have seen when a drop of milk hits the surface and it splatters like the daisies you bought. They are so cool. Our first day of spring is actually warm...10C but grey and brown so I love the colours in your other photo...full of life.

    1. Plop, plop. That's the second thing that came to my mind when I saw them. Plop, plog. Glad to hear it's getting warmer over there, Birgit.

  4. Wonderfulllllll ….and my favorite color too

    Well as long as the fun wast a 'joint venture' too I am all good ;-)

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week at
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  5. Happy spring to you too! Love those flowers, they do look like aliens! Have a wonderful week!

  6. That looks like a red bud tree. And your mountain is so much bigger than ours. All we have is crocus and daffodils right now. I have never seen daisies like that!

    1. The mountain you see is over 3,000 feet high. That's about the average height of the peaks in the Diablo Range which starts northeast of San Francisco and ends in the southern end of our county.

  7. Purple flowers look amazing in the set up!

  8. Definitely a keeper ~ gorgeous flowers ~ divine!

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Divine describes the daisies perfectly, Carol.

  9. The daisy that decided it wasn't going to look like all the other daises and was going to be a fireworks explosion instead! :)

  10. Love the daisies, the flowers really stand out against the green foliage and they do look like space aliens of some kind - very friendly ones though. :) The last photo is lovely, I like the pretty tree and the mountains in the background :)

    1. Thanks, Eunice. They're friendly alien daisies, most definitely. :-)

  11. Interesting flowers and I LOVE arugula pesto! :D Your photos are giving me spring fever. It's certainly time for winter to disappear. Cheers!

    1. Hi, Debbie. The pesto worked as a seasoning for other dishes this time around.

  12. Those daisies do look like aliens! I love arugula too, the peppery taste of it. Pesto sounds fantastic. Enjoy!


    1. I'm imagining the aliens enjoying the arugula, too. lol

  13. Holy cr*p, how did you get that photo, gorgeous. I didn't know you could do anything with arugula except garnish a plate. Those flowers are straight out of The Jetsons, very Googie.

    1. The mountain scene? I took it from our second floor hallway window. Click, click. I didn't like arugula until I turned it into pesto. Funny how that goes.

    2. Your mountain scene looks like a painting and I'd frame it, woman.


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