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Every So Often — Snow on Them There Mountains!

"It's snowing!"

"Did you see the snow on the mountains?"

Everyone we talked to yesterday, both friends and strangers, bubbled ebulliently about the snow on the mountain ridges around us. "I don't have to go to the Sierras now," said a guy in the Target parking lot.

Not that it was a lot of snow. Simply a decent dusting on the forward peaks that lasted all day and a thick enough coating on the back peaks to be saying "Hello! Snow here!" today.

The temperatures have been in the 30s and 40s, which probably sound like the tropics to some of you. I don't recall the last time our tap water is as cold as water in a mountain lake. It tastes refreshing.

It has probably been 10 years, more or less, since we've seen snow in our area. Last time, the Husband and I drove up to the end of a long country road to wander in the snow and throw a snowball at each other. Not this time. We were afraid of flooding Eliza if we went through a deep puddle on the road. Swisssssssssssh.

Just as well, the traffic on that quiet country road was hopping. Lots of people were also stopping on the side of roads to snap photos. We were no different.

When it snows, it's usually on the Diablo range, the eastern mountains flanking our valley. So, we were quite surprised to see not-as-obvious snow on the Gabilans, the range edging our southern perimeter.

Snow is cool. Even more cool, the green mountainsides. We may just have a good water year.

The theme for ABC Wednesday this week is the letter E, wheeeeeee. To check out the weekly meme, click here. Thank you, ABCW hosts!


  1. Being born and raised in flat land... I guess it must be a stunning sight to get something like this in front of you . Even without snow on them ;-)

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week at
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

    1. Yup, our weather is straight forward green in winter and spring, brown the rest of the year. So, snow gets many of us giddy.

  2. You've really surprised me now, I didn't think your part of the USA would ever get snow. Ours had all gone by the beginning of the week, we now have heavy rain and high winds :( I love the 3rd and 4th photos, especially the 4th one, that's my favourite :)

    1. Thanks, Eunice. The fourth is my favorite, too. Every now and then, when we're not having a drought or near drought year, it gets cold enough for us to see snow up there.

  3. Hello, you have lovely views of the snow capped mountains. Beautiful scenic photos. Enjoy your day! Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Su-sieee,

    On clear days in the winter, we can see the Smoky's from Knoxville and we can the snow when it's present. It's really a beautiful sight! Your mountains look gorgeous. It's nice having these views. It makes you appreciate this wonderful world all the more that the Lord has given us. Good share for the letter 'E'. Happy ABCing and thanks for visiting, my friend. ;)

    1. I appreciate the kind words, Cathy. :-) When I was a kid growing up here, orchards abounded the area, so back then I thought those mountains were hills. lol

  5. First snow is so exciting regardless of our age. The snow-capped mountain ridges is so serene and beautiful. I’d stop my car to photograph, too, if I were there.


  6. The snow covered mountains are an evidence of the variety, which nature blesses us with. The last sentence is apt and builds hope for better water days ahead!

    1. The population in our area has been increasing steadily in the last several years. Most people are concerned about the traffic, but not the water. Water conservation only comes to the forefront during drought years. That needs to change.

  7. Awesome mountains and wonderful scenic photos ~ snow must be unique where you are ~ ^_^

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. A good water year? That's excellent news.

    I'm surprised, though. Your mountains don't often get snow? Ours usually do. At this time of year, there's usually snow on those peaks. (There is right now.) There's a great picture someone took a couple years back. It's beach in the foreground. In the background is mountains with snow.

    Of course, our mountains are probably a fit farther out. A couple hours drive.

    1. Only on the tippy top of the highest peaks, further south in the county, will see a dusting of snow most winters. This may be the first winter since we've been here (15 years) that the temps have been in the 30s and high 20s for a few days at a time. Climate change at work, I'm guessing.

  9. Replies
    1. The green hillsides started showing in January. I love that green.

  10. I hope you do have a good water year! It's fun to see the green hills topped with snow. Lovely!

  11. SNOW!!! . . . isn't it wonderful. :D ... I hope it means lots of water throughout the summer too. :)

    1. We happened to have a huge metal garbage can in the back, so we decided to collect rain water. I've also been pouring collected water from buckets around the yard into the can. It's about 2/3 full of water. It'll come in handy for potting plants.

  12. Snow doesn't bother me. Now, ICE, that's a whole different issue!

    1. I'm thinking my days of driving on ice are over. Driving through hail is okay.

  13. that does look lovely - we've gotten a few feet so far this year, which has been melting due to above average temps. it's currently about 40 degrees and sunny outside, which is Not the norm for the northeast in February!

    1. I wonder if the weather we've been seeing the last few years has become our norm.

  14. As my hubby likes to ask "Have I told you lately how much I like snow-capped mountains?" I am not sure why, but it seems to spark the child-like wonder in all of us! (And bodes well for the summer fire season.) Enjoy your week ahead!

    1. Thanks, Angie. Especially when building snow creatures. :-)

  15. It really looks like a good water year, fingers and toes crossed! I am so happy for you, that you got snow-capped mountains, right there!! I love snow! Thanks for the smile :)


  16. It certainly is pretty! Love your photos.

  17. Hmm, getting ready for something short of a blizzard here. I cancelled appointments tomorrow after being without Cha Cha for a week cuz they're saying stay off the roads if you can. And I can.. But the mountain snow dusting is very nice and looks like powdered sugar. It's funny to me that you're all excited about the snow and not the mountains.

    1. I love the green mountain sides, Jeanna. Green started popping up in January. Pop, pop, pop. The yellow-flowered mustard has begun to pop, too. I saw my first poppies the other week. Pop, pop, pop.

    2. Then did you fall asleep alongside a little dog and cowardly lion until it snowed?

  18. The mountains look so pretty! We had sleet in Virginia today.... not pleasant.

    1. I don't think I've experienced sleet before. Hail, yes. I drove through a bit of that twice this month.

  19. Snow is great when it’s up on the mountains and not down on your driveway (I remember that from Oregon snow and no mountains here in Florida). Wow, you live in a beautiful Valley, with two mountain ranges above. The snow really does look pretty and I hope the mountains get enough to ensure a green spring and summer,

    1. I remember one year when the mountains were green all the way into the first week of June. I'll be happy if the green lasts to May. I'll be happy, too, if we don't have to water the yards until the end of June. I am planning to toss all the collected seeds into the yard this year.

  20. The snow just looks like it belongs there! Or like parts of the clouds fell down! Our mountains aren't as peaked as that. They're rolling with soft tops.

  21. It really does look amazing...such beautiful mountains and sky! Enjoy your weekend!

  22. The mountains are beautiful. I hope you're keeping warm.

  23. Hi! Your photos are very beautifil. Thanks for sharing.


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