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Keeping in Balance

I got so pissed this morning, I could spit.

Would you say that I'm saying this literally or figuratively?

FYI: I did not, am not, nor will I spit about what got me furious.  Spitting I reserve for when I am sick (better out than in, right?) or for root hormone (some gardeners say that spit makes a good substitute). The Mama pretended to spit whenever she broke glass, followed by a plea to Mary, Jesus, and Joseph that they don't hold the broken glass as a point against her.

Too much TMI? Sorry.

I continue. The cause for my growling spew?

Let's simply say that my tolerability cap for political beliefs got blown off for a moment.  I allowed myself to care that I was disappointed about humanity and so became bummed. As you can see, not anymore.

The Husband and I took a drive to Freedom to purchase food for our precious, and spoiled, Molly the Cat. The 60-mile round trip drive, more or less, had us rolling by green hills and zigzagging through a canyon and among farm fields, all glistening of last night's rain. The sight of the greening landscape, along with talking with the Husband, moved me from disappointment to disgust to growls to finally back to tolerance. In other words, I am not going to let how others think keep me down or bum me out.

Creativity. Resourcefulness. Flexibility. Resiliency. Empathy. Compassion. Faith. That's the light I strive to stay in. Yeah, that's the ticket.


  1. Great pictures Susie - I just love the colours of the second one., they are gorgeous :)

    1. Thanks, Eunice. The redwoods are certainly gorgeous.

  2. It is taking a toll! try to let myself be where I am but not stay in the negative places.

    1. The Husband and I growl at least once a day. Hard not to.

  3. oooooh . . . . so beautiful . . . home . . . (sigh, smile, contentment, thank you for the photo.)
    We have lots of snow . . vehicles stuck on roadways for hours . . . . and, i have a pupster who is wild-crazy about this snow in her very own back yard . . . like the best gift ever. . .
    And, I'm sorry stuff can be so upsetting - and grateful it was just enough for you & your sweetheart to take a beautiful trip - that will make your fluffy creature happy - and share the view with me . . .(so my heart is no longer lonesome..)
    love & love,

    1. I'm glad the photos have given you a shot of home, G. The thistles were from the summer past at our friend's ranch nearby, while the redwoods, also from the summer, are in the hillsides in the southeastern part of Santa Cruz county. :-)

  4. Well Molly is worth a sixty mile drive.
    Isn't some about spitting nails.
    Coffee is on

    1. Molly thinks she's worth it, too. We chose a new dry food that she's happy about. Chomps her serving in one sitting. Naw, naw, naw. She's a loud eater when she likes her food. lol

  5. You must really love your cat.

    1. We wouldn't have Molly living with us otherwise. :-)

  6. Miss Molly-By-Golly will truly appreciate your efforts. :) . . . I understand your pissed-off-ness . . . I barely listen to the headlines on CBC, (our national radio) these days.
    What a wonderful way to blow away the nasty stuff. :)

    1. She likes her new dry food and raw food, big time. Thank goodness, too. She had been poo-pooing the foods she once liked. Today I found another one she'll not eat for a long while.

  7. Well, that was a speedy recovery … I find going outside among God's beauty is a cure for most ills … I was pretty bummed on Saturday listening to some news reports about events (vandalism, etc.) happening in our national parks because they are not attended by park rangers at the moment … very disappointing, to say the least. I felt better after a day of skiing on the mountain! Wishing you a great week ahead.

    1. So far, nobody has done anything dumb at the Pinnacles National Park 30+ miles south of us. Thank goodness. Our world is getting greener because of the rain, another thank goodness. I can focus on that whenever that rancid voice says his daily dumbness.

  8. Oh I am mad and upset every minute of every day about the national embarrassment which we have instead of a president. As soon as I hit send on tyour q and a post above I realized I forgot to agree with you on *that* question....that one did not make me laugh, but did make me want to stand up to be counted along with you. I try to keep my blog a happy place because it helps me to not sink into that black hole of depression, although at this point I think maybe anyone who is not depressed is nuts.

    1. I think the same thing about people who are not depressed about that faker. We'll get through this, we will.

  9. Did you get to drive through those trees? I love those roads. It's been too long since I've been north.

    1. Yup, we do. It's a windy two-lane road, but at many points you wouldn't think so. It's called Hazel Dell Road in Corralitos.

  10. oh my gosh... I feel you sister. I get furious and my husband says calm down. He gets furious at the same stuff, I do not say calm down, I say, I know!!! Right??!! It's unbelievable. Really. I grew up trusting my country to be a haven for democracy... and now I just hope we survive. America was already great.

    1. You've written the scene at our house, almost word for word. Every time we hear MAGA, one of us humans or Molly say "It always was great."


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