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M is for Museum

My theme for #23 Round of ABC Wednesday:
Signs & Such of San Benito County, California

Luck Museum. Doesn't that sound wondrous? Imagine the paintings, sculptures, displays, and exhibits interpreting luck. That's something.

This is a real sign in San Juan Bautista, the town next door. The Luck Museum, run by the San Juan Bautista Historical Society, was once a gas station owned by Mr. Carl Martin Luck, who immigrated from Germany in 1890. More than 80 years later, Mr. Luck's daughter donated the building and grounds to the city, which today, in addition to the museum, includes a city park and the city library.  That was good fortune.

M is the featured letter today on ABC Wednesday. Click here to read about this weekly meme, and click here for this week's list of participants.  Thank you, ABCW Team!


  1. There are some wonderous museums in unexpected places. Lucky to find them!
    Hope you are having a good week!

    1. I love going through small town museums. It's been a great week so far, Lea, thanks for asking.

  2. Must of been your lucky day.

  3. I have museum this week too, a little different from yours. I would enjoy seeing the Luck Museum.

    1. I think you'd like the whole town of San Juan Bautista, Jackie. It was built around one of the original 21 Spanish missions in California.

  4. That's kinda funny. They just need to build a casino next door ;)

  5. Luck be a Lady tonight 😁 I would visit this museum....looks like it would be fun to see and how decent that the land was donated.

    1. Birgit, you'd love all of San Juan Bautista. It truly is a quaint Spanish mission/California western town.

  6. I love museums. Luck Museum looks interesting.
    Imagine visitors visiting and feeling lucky after their visit :)
    Have a great week!
    M for Mexican, Mocktails, Mall...& much more :)- Anita

  7. it indeed wonders me what they will show but I won't see it I guess, besides ofcourse through your images

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  8. Museum is a great take for M. Loved your post Susie:)

  9. Heh, and there I was thinking it was full of all the things that humans like to rub to bring them good luck. :)

  10. Replies
    1. Good fortune rained upon San Juan Bautista, for sure.

  11. What's really in the museum, luck or gas or a little bit of both?

    1. City history, which could be full of both. :-)

    2. History can be bloated and gassy.

    3. That's for sure. I imagine today's events written up in history books.


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