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Dancing in the Street

On Sunday, the Husband and I attended the Chicken Festival in San Juan Bautista. Bwak, bwak, bwak. The last event being 10 years go, it celebrates the wild chickens that roam the California mission city. The flock was thinned out a few years ago, but they are slowly coming back.

We didn't see any of the fowl, but we did see a young local dance troupe called the Grupo Folklorico "Carisma Mexicano" who performed traditional Mexican folk dances that incorporate ballet techniques.  The girls and boys were charming and delightful as they stepped and swirled in a rather tight spot on the narrow street among the vendors' booths.

Today is Our World Tuesday, where I'm participating. Here's the link. Grazie, OWT administrators.


  1. Those costumes are great. They used to do an "International Day" at one of the high schools, and they'd have students do that sort of dancing in those sort of costumes. (Large Latino population in the area.) It's fun to see.

    1. I love the brightness of the colors. Shines. The dancers were so cute and on pointe.

  2. What lovely vibrant shots! Love the twirl those dresses make.

    1. Thanks, Lady Fi. For once I waited patiently for the shots I wanted.

  3. Love that twirl and swirl. Great shots and so colorful.

    1. I wouldn't mind having a skirt to twirl and swirl. Hmmmm. Thank you!

  4. Didn't know chickens were that popular, besides being food.

    1. The tourists and outsiders love the roaming wild chickens more than the residents of the town. If I lived there, i'd probably get growly about rooster crows and chicken poop.

  5. What wonderful twirls … and how wonderful that someone celebrates chickens, the most humble in the bird world.

  6. I love folk dancing and the costumes are beautiful...what a fun time you had.

    1. There was also a ukelele band with a few of them wearing chicken and turkey hats. A perfect day to be wandering.

  7. You got some wonderful swirly shots there. :)

  8. Su-sieee, Thanks for stopping by my little niche in Blogosphere yesterday. I love the capture of the young girl's swirling dress hem! The costumes are so festive and colorful. I love Mexican food and often wonder what authentic Mexican cuisine is to what I'm used to eating. Now, I want burritos! :) You should've linked up with my not-so-Wordless Wednesday meme. This post has photos, so I say go for it, if you're interested. No worries if not. Just a friendly invite is all. Have a marvelous day and I hope to see you again!

    1. Thanks for the invitation, Cathy. I'll check out the meme. Lately I've been wanting chile rellenos, but so far none of the restaurants around here having anything worth going back for.

  9. Fabulous pictures, with those beautiful costumes swirling -- big smiles -- -- can only imagine how I'd smile seeing (and hearing the music) IRL.

    1. Thanks, Sallie. I wouldn't mind having a skirt like that to swirl as I walk. :-)

  10. There's a dance troupe around here that's called something folklorico, and they are gooood. There was an Aztec aspect to it. So, the thinning out, any new chicken joints go up in the area over the last ten years?

    1. You know, Jeanna, the chicken wing place in town opened during that time. San Juan Bautista is only 7 miles west of us. Hmmm, got me thinking. haha

  11. It is encouraging to see young people continue with old traditions!


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