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The other day someone asked me what do I do now that I don't spend 24/7 on the computer writing and doing research.

A whole lot of nothing was my answer. The better answer, I realize today, is a whole lot of experimenting with stuff, such as plants, crafts, sewing, baking, drawing, writing, reading, and whatever comes my way.

So, today, I show off last night's results of my experimenting with the markers I purchased on a whim earlier this month. Lucky for me there happened to be a box of crayons nearby so I didn't have to get off the couch.


  1. Actually, that questioned posed to you I find a bit rude. I recall when I told someone I did nothing on the weekend and they reacted with a surprise and tried to make me defend my very nice weekend. I couldn’t help it but replied to their question of “you did nothing?” I just said I picked my nose, wiped my butt and ate chips off my stomach. You are busy plus recuperating and needing to take things slow. Love the artistic piece especially the 2 headed men

    1. ha, ha, haha, I can imagine the person's reaction. Hope the person thought twice before asking such a question. Thanks for coming to my defense, B. :-) I love doing my nothingness.

    2. Anyone who has the time to question how others spend their time, they have a lot of time on their hands. I think enjoying your time is precious. Have fun and do what makes you happy :).

    3. Hi, Sweetbearies! I've never thought of it that way.

  2. I did a whole lot of nothing today as well. I don't know why people feel the need to be busy all the time. Sometimes it's nice to just sit and be for a while.

    1. Maybe a workshop on nothingness is in order. lol

  3. Replies
    1. Doodling certainly is, especially when there are colored markers and crayons around.

  4. I could use the same sentence you used to answer the question but I would almost always have to end my answer immediately after the word 'nothing." Lovely doodles. When i first retired I bought a box of colored pencils and had some fun with them, but that was before I got a digital camera and a blog.

    1. I'm going the opposite way, Sallie. Art and craft stuff are beckoning to me. I want to add quick drying concrete to my toys. Don't know yet what I would do with it, but I want it handy when I do. Hee hee.

  5. Sometimes art works better if one doesn't have to get off the couch. :)

    1. In this household, it certainly doe.s. Okay, me. :-)


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