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Zed. Zowie! Zee.

Last week was the wedding of Winnie the Wallaby and Thomas the Tree Kangaroo. They hope you enjoyed the fun. They are honeymooning in Australia and New Zealand, by the way.

Their reception was a blast. Sorry to say, pictures have yet to be processed. Judge Jennifer the photographer has been busy in court, and her assistant Zebediah the Zorilla Striped Polecat is no where to be found. Neither is Nalia the Napoleon mastiff of the Nfinity x 3 Security, for that matter. Some of the creatures say the two have taken off to Las Vegas.

Fortunately, I have at least one more photo to show from the wedding. Winnie, Thomas, and some of us wedding attendants thought it would be fun to pose in a silly face-in-hole board. Crazy, huh? Us, animals, in human bodies.

The wedding cake by Katja the Kookaburra was delicious. The music by Leticia and the Ladybugs was delightful. The decor by the Max Family, divine. And, when Hazel the Hammerhead Shark finished the Hawaiian Wedding Dance hula, there was not a dry eye in the place. As for Stanley the Salsa King of a snail, he lived up to his name. Oh, and many guests wore the elegant umbrella hats made by Undine the Uakari. They are only a few of the amazing friends, off the top of my head, who helped make the wedding perfect for Winnie and Thomas. My thanks to one and all!

I'm ready to do it again after a long line of z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z's!
Love and hugs,
Agathe the Aardvark
Wedding Planner

Want to read about a particular ABC Creature such as Agathe, Judge Jennifer, Stanley the Salsa King Snail, and Leticia and the Ladybugs? Click here for the ABC Creature posts.

Here we are at the letter Z. Hurrah, hurrah! Congratulations to all for getting through around round of ABC Wednesday. Click here for this week's Introduction, and click here for the list of participants. See you next week for the letter A. Thank you, ABCW Team!

Cheers to Everyone! Happy Fourth of July to us all!


  1. Lovely illustrations ... Happy 4th July to you!

  2. Thank you for the sweeping narrative!

    1. You're welcome, Roger. Cheers to the ABC Creatures.

  3. Bravo, Agathe, bravo! ... you are THE wedding-planner for the ages! :)

  4. Develop the photograhps? Wow, does anyone use film anymore?

  5. Look at YOU!!! So Much FUN!!! I am a Zany dancing the Ziganka while playing Zils.
    That's How Much Fun YOU ARE!!!!

  6. Such creative illustration and fun!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Such cute illustrations :)
    Happy ABCW!

  8. As long as they are happy.... they can be anywhere they want ;-)

    Lovely story and artwork

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

    1. Thanks, Melody. Yes, Winnie & Thomas lived happily ever after. :-)

  9. I’m sorry I didn’t see this until now. I bet they are having a wonderful time being married and looking back at their wedding day. Love the drawing especially the close up of the butterfly wings

    1. Winnie & Thomas are having a hopping of a good time. For this one, I doctored a photograph of someone else's wedding party. lol


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