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To Do: Organize Garage

The garage hasn't seen a car inside it in nearly 15 years. I doubt it ever will.
There are fewer boxes and stuff in it. I can see across the garage to the door now. Everything just needs to be squished up against each other so that we can finally move the stuff from the rental locker into the garage. But, before that can happen the Husband and I need to look into all these boxes and figure what to do with the stuff in them.


But, that task is not for today. Sometime this week, we'll tackle it. Yes, sometime. I'll even write it on our TO-Do board in the kitchen. Yes, I will.

Today the Husband and I have bigger plans: We're running away to the beach. 


  1. Once upon a time I got those heavy duty shelves from the hardware store and stacked them along one wall. The plastic bins you buy at the same hardware store fit perfectly in them. This stacked a whole bunch of stuff in our garage.

    Of course, where we lived, parking was challenging, so our garage needed to house two cars, too. And I'm assuming you have a whole lot more stuff than we did in our garage. Good luck with your downsizing.

    1. Thanks, Liz. We have metal bookshelves in storage that would be perfect for the garage. I don't know what we'd keep on it though. I told the Husband that we need to ask ourselves two things about stuff: Do I want Spouse to deal with an item when I die? If I decide something must be kept, what happens to it after I die? I think about just chucking everything out.

  2. Now here I thought you got a doggie to be friends with Molly but then I realized Molly would not be amused and you would have to answer to her. This is a huge job you are undertaking and I don’t know if you ever saw the tv show, “Clean Sweep” but they would attack 2 rooms that became a huge dumping ground and being everything outside. There would be 3 areas...things to keep, things to throw away and things to sell. Almost always the keep area was huge but an organizer would come in and help them whittle it down to a level which would fit nicely back into the rooms. Meanwhile the rooms were getting a makeover. It was a good show.

    1. Sounds like a show I'd get hooked on. Would it inspire me? Maybe.
      Back in October or November we opened a bunch of boxes of crystal, pewter, knickknacks and other stuff that belonged to the Husband's parents. Most of the stuff is still hanging out in L Studio, The other day I opened a box of votive candles to take with us to a candle vigil. lol

  3. That's a great 'to-chuck-or-to-not-chuck' rationale. I might use it on Mrs Widds, she's a bit more of a 'it might come in useful one day' woman than I am. :)

    1. I admit that I've chucked stuff out and think how I could've used it now. The Husband tends to forget that we've chucked something out so we have to go through a little of "You don't really regret that it's gone, do you?"

  4. Hello, recently hubby and I went though our house getting rid of stuff we do not need or use.. We had piles of things for the trash, recycle or Good Will. We thought we were moving, I am glad it is done. Downsizing everything was good for us. Enjoy your day! PS, thanks for your visit and comment.

    1. Hurrah for you, Eileen! I haven't been in the garage yet this week because of the heat. It should break tomorrow.

  5. You fooled me! I thought you were going to post about how you decluttered and organized your garage -- ha ha! The beach is a MUCH better idea for a summer day. The garage will wait. Good call!

  6. You are a stronger woman than me. I am still just enough of a control/order freak that I couldn't run off to the beach with a BIG to do like that in front of me … I admire you!

    1. Thank you, Angie. This is the first time I've been called strong for being a slacker. I love it.

  7. Fantastic plan, I'm right there with you. I've stopped my cleaning binge for the moment and it's going to take several rainy days to get back into the spirit of it all. Did you say you're moving more in there? LOL.

    1. Yup. The Husband can't see it happening, but I do. Now that the temps are cooling down (drats) I must force myself out there.


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