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Riding Among the Trees

Recently the Husband and I found a not-so-often-traveled road that skirted the northern side of a nearby mountain. Entry to the road is in very deep shade. We came across it years ago, but we backed out after a few feet because the road looked like it would be an unpaved, pitted one. We didn't think Eliza, our 1993 metal steed, would fare well on it. I don't know why we felt confident that an older Eliza wouldn't complain a couple of weeks ago.

The road had not a hole to carefully maneuver over or around. The road reminded me of the fire and logging roads in deep forests. Well, duh, we were going through a second or third generation growth redwood forest. It was beautiful in there.

I'm so grateful that we could travel through the forest by car since my knees and right ankle complain after several blocks of walking. How else would I have seen this living creature of a tree?

If it's Sunday, it must be time for All Seasons, a weekly meme hosted by Jesh at Artworks from Jesh St.G. Click here to check out Jesh. For the participants list, click here. Thank you, Jesh!


  1. Beautiful. I love driving through wooded areas. There are some highways in Oregon that are just stunning that way.

  2. I hate mountain roads, it's a nice view but some scare the crap out of me because of how unsafe they can be designed.

    1. They still scare the crap out of me, which is good. I've gotten much better at taking the curves.

  3. We have lots of forest roads where we live. We love to ride our quads to see as much as we can. Hiking is fun, but at our age the quads allow is to go places we could never reach on foot. - Margy

    1. An option for the Husband and I to consider. We love the wilderness, which at this point is mostly visiting in memory.

  4. We're glad you took the road less traveled - and showed us the proof! Awesome tree!

    1. :-) One of the things I like about the Husband is that he also enjoys traveling on unknown roads.

  5. Beautiful! I love walking in the forest here in Germany.

  6. this drive looks enchanting and I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves

    1. A lot of fairies and magical stuff in there. You would've enjoyed it, too, Birgit. :-)

  7. There's nothing like tall trees to life one's spirits. :)

    1. Oh, gosh yes! They remind us to deep breathly and center ourselves.

  8. These trees are so beautiful, lining both sides of the road. They do make me feel relaxed and peaceful. We are going soon to Lake Tahoe and staying among the pines -- I can't wait. And the scent of pine is everywhere, too.

    1. A perfect time to head up to Lake Tahoe, Sharon. I can just imagine the smell of pine. Enjoy!


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