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Pretty in Pink

Tired, I am. Happily pooped though. The Husband and I have been out and about lately, a few hours here, a few hours there of wandering about, doing errands, or hanging with friends. It's summer, after all.

Today, my plan is to drag myself out to the backyard and deadhead the geraniums. It'll do me well to sit under the trees and breathe in deeply. It might be the ticket to pull the tiredness out of me.

Aren't those tiger lilies pretty? We saw those on the greenhouse tour we took two Saturdays ago. I wonder if I can get them to grow in our yard.


  1. I'd say if you're tired, go out into the garden and have a nap ;) I think your garden probably needs a hammock :)

    1. A chaise lounge, definitely. Hammocks and me don't get along. I ended up lounging in the living room reading my book. I'm feeling a bit more refreshed today, thank you much. :-)

  2. Those tiger lillies are beautiful, I love the colour :)

    1. I could see myself wearing a tunic with those shades of pink. Mmmm.

  3. Beautiful lilies. They will take your tiredness away!

    1. They certainly would, especially if they were growing in the garden. I'm definitely going to look into seeing if they might make it here.

  4. I like your plan. Why don't I come sit under the tree with you?

  5. They're rather cheery, aren't they? i hope you can grow them. They'd fit in perfectly. :)

    1. I've begun my research. I had no idea that some of them are native to the U.S. It turns out I can plant the bulbs in the fall, meaning I have plenty of time to figure which to plant and where to plant them.

  6. Yes I am sure time spent among these blooms will be the best.
    Happy WW!

  7. Glad you are busy and feel good:) I bet you could make it grow. i love these lillies and they smell so beautiful

    1. I have a big pot of gardenia that I shall find out if it would be a good companion to the lilies. I think there's a plan a brewing for a part of the yard.

  8. I don't often take naps, but today I found myself not feeling well, 90 minutes and a nap later … much better and ready to face the ongoing list of items we are trying to get done before my in-laws arrive on Tuesday … it really is NOT a burden, but it is a list I WANT to get done! Enjoy your weekend!


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