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Jane Austen, Quantum Leaper?

Hello friends from ABC Wednesday. This post is for the Blogging from A to Z April 2018 Challenge. You can find the O post for ABCW here.

Quantum Leaper Jane has jumped in time to February, 1967. She is looking at herself, well, rather at 15-year-old Arrmac (the future husband of Su-sieee! Mac) in the bathroom mirror. She wants to make sure Arrmac looks good before the trombonist lines up with his high school marching band.

If all goes well, Quantum Leaper Jane as young Arrmac shall avoid colliding into the behind of a policeman's horse as the band marches in the Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco.

"May success prevail!" exclaims Jane, picking up Arrmac's trombone.

Note: Quantum Leap was a TV sci-fi show (from 1989 to 1993) in which physicist Sam Beckett, played by Scott Bakula, travels back and forth through time to help someone and fix a historical error. While he is in the other time, he temporarily resides in someone else's body.

My theme for this year's challenge is Jane Austen, Action Doll, Seeks a New Career.

To check out other A to Z participants, click here. To learn more about the 2018 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, click here.


  1. She needs to save Sarah Connor before its too late!

  2. Fun choice for the difficult letter of Q. I wonder how I missed that show -- sounds fun!

    1. I wonder if the stories and writing still hold up for me if I were to see the show today.

  3. I loved Quantum Leap. Well, except for that series finale...

    1. I need to go to wikipedia and read the finale. There's this part of me that Sam's friend starts leaping.

  4. Quantum Leap was such a great concept for a TV show. I'm glad Jane is having some fun with it. Weekends In Maine

  5. Great character, and a definite favorite among shows. Thank you.

  6. I thought for a moment there she was hanging our with a young Elton John! :)

  7. I love your whole concept here. Nothing like a good time travel story!

    1. Thanks, Sue. Yup, time travel usually makes for a good story.

  8. Jane knows how to make things right. I hope that really didn’t happen...that is just a bit too up close and personal with a horse...of course:)

    1. The Husband says the horse bumped into him. :-)

  9. Missed on the show "Quantum Leap". Seems to be an interesting one. Nice write-up and prudently chosen for 'Q'. :)

  10. Nice post! I enjoyed reading it :)
    I will surely look up in that show. Sounds's interesting.
    Jui Positive Cookies


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