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Jane Austen, Baseball Player?

"Playing at third base, ladies and gentlemen, is the great lady herself," announced the baseball commentator, "Jaaaaaaaaane Austeeeeen."

Can you see it—Jane Austen, Action Doll, plays third base for the San Francisco Giants? Or any professional league team, for that matter.

I like to think that Jane Austen is athletic because her characters are. Lizzy Bennett enjoys taking long walks in the woods, for instance. And, to be a writer requires great stamina, dedication, endurance, determination, and ambition.

What do you think? Shall Jane Austen, Action Doll, become a professional baseball player?

My theme for this year's challenge is Jane Austen, Action Doll, Seeks a New Career.

To check out other A to Z participants, click here. To learn more about the 2018 Blogging from A to Z April Challenge, click here.


  1. With everyone in 19th century English dresses, I didn't think athletic would be the word

    1. You got me curious about the word "athlete", so off I went to Google. Wikipedia states that in 18th century England athletics referred to competitions involving walking, running, jumping, and throwing. There we are. :-)

  2. Maybe if she was playing for the Chicago Cubs, but not the Giants ;-)

  3. And why not, she looks good out there. And when Jane's had enough of baseball I hear the Aussie cricketers have a few spots going!
    Wren x

    1. Oooh, methinks Jane would like to try her hand at cricket.

  4. Jane Austen, Action Doll! What a fun and unique theme! Can't wait to see what she does next.

  5. Oh yes...she is athletic and baseball is her game for sure

  6. I think it would be unfair to the other teams. Perhaps an exhibition match or two, just for the fans. :)

    1. A few years ago I learned that there is a league of baseball fans who play the game the way it was at the beginning, even wearing the itchy wooly outfits. I wonder if Jane might like to try that.


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