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A Picture for My Thoughts

I'm taking apart the first album of the Mama's. Not her first one ever, but the first in a long line of albums. Sigh.

What's with the so-called "acid-free/archival" pages in this album? The cellophane breaks apart when I take out the photos. So much for trying to use my hands with delicateness and refinement.

For some reason-yet-to-be-identified, I'm saving the 3x5 pieces of paper (with a single punched hole) that were used as dividers between photos. The how-can-I-repurpose-this part of me has prevailed.

I don't know what to do with the photos after I've scanned them. For that matter, what am I going to do with the scanned photos. May be why there are long intervals between scanning sessions. And, for a session to happen, I need to play my era of Rock & Roll and Latin music so I can wiggle and waggle in my chair, as I do this rather sad and joyful exercise of remembering stuff in photos.  For instance: the rainy wedding day of a cousin; our yellow house with the lucky (kind of) 711 address; the Daddy's 71st birthday party; the Mama's afternoon of modeling for the camera; and the Older Brother, high school football and track athlete. Sigh.

Here I go, back down the rabbit hole.


  1. I like your art . . . and your honesty . . . and I'm looking forward to more of this story. love & love, -g-

  2. Wandering back through our memories and the records of them can be a bit melancholic ... may I suggest a restorative wander in your garden and a smooshy cuddle with Miss Molly?

    1. Wonderful suggestion, Widders. It'll keep my heart and head from exploding.

  3. Projects like this always take longer than we think ... your first clue is when you 'wake up' from a daydream and have no idea how much time has passed. But you know what, maybe that's the whole purpose of it ...

    1. That's how I feel about time in general. I don't know how it got to be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. . . .another week, another month. I can't seem to get anything done, but then I've discovered a jigsaw puzzle website.

  4. I love your drawing because it feels warm and loving. I am glad you are doing something with the photos. I have boxes and boxes of photos

    1. Thanks, Birgit. I ripped apart another album today. It's going faster than I thought, because I can do several at a time with the flatbed scanner.


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