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When I opened the kitchen curtains this morning and saw the thick frost on the neighbor's roof in the shade, I thought of the Mama saying, "Look at Marie's roof. It has frost. Lots of ice."

So fitting for the first day of winter. I felt a moment's wonder of a winter wonderland. Molly and I most definitely had to go outside.

Cheers on this Winter Solstice!


  1. It may be winter but your pink flowers are beautiful - Happy Winter!

  2. Yay frost ...but no snow, eh? If yo make a close up of your roses (when the sun does not shine on them) so you can see the frost on it - it will make a beautiful macro!
    Thank you for your visit - am still munching on persimmons:)
    That art show was a WHILE ago:) My son asked me (the rock watercolor) if it was food! I told him, it could be:)
    Whenever convenient look at
    (http://) artnotes2016(dot)wordpress(dot) com - keep scrolling - till you see the titles of the next posts (depending on how much you want to see) it's not only flowers!
    Merry Christmas, Susie and you your hubby!

    1. I like your suggestion, Jesh. Should I ever get up before the sunrise on another frosty morning, I'm going to try. Once I get away from the computer today, I'm baking persimmon gingerbread bread.

  3. Love the diversity of your photo ~ iced roof and gorgeous flowers ~ ^_^

    Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Summer flowers and a frosted roof - lovely!

  5. The flowers light up the place! Pretty enough to melt a frosty heart.

  6. Su-sieee! Mac, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2018. Thanks for sharing.

  7. It's not really winter until the white stuff shows up! Merry Solstice to you and the Husband and Miss Molly-by-Golly ... and the Mama if she decides to pop in. :)

    1. That's what I thought, too, about the frost. The Mama's spirit was good about not shuddering at all the leaves in the back.


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Thanks for the good cheer. :-)

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