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With all the current churning of evilness in our country's leadership, we need to take time every day to look for the wonder, the beauty, the eloquence, and the love in our lives and our environment.

Call me simple, if you like. Doesn't matter. I have faith that we shall get positiveness, common sense, and humanity back in power again.

It's the letter E at ABC Wednesday. To check out ABCW posts from bloggers around the world, please click here. Thanks ABCW Team!


  1. do you think your President might have an early exit?

    1. I hope so, Ann. He's done many things just within the last 3 weeks that were against the law or quite questionable.

  2. I was staggerd when Trump got in after watching his capaigns, then studying Hilary closely, I found it worrying whether or not she was up to the job, physically and mentally.
    There's something seriously wrong with her health but she was so desperate for power that she put aside her health issues, she was seen on camera having those strange episodes, such as the facial contortions, passing out at the 9/11 commemorations, then there's the mega coughing fits. I actually saw one of her aides stick a needle into her at a rally, when she was going into one of her spasms.
    I cannot believe that a party as huge and impressive as the Democrats could field such a clearly unwell woman to run for the Presidency.
    As for Trump, he speaks loud and clear as to what sort of man he is, he clearly is ultra right wing verging into Facism.
    Each time he opens his mouth, I cringe.
    Then, what's with him appointing some of his family into key positions...
    Nepotism surely?.
    I fear for you decent Americans,
    Best regards and hugs to you all,
    ABCW team.

    1. Di, thank you for the support. Resistance is strong among us, Americans who can see through Trump's and his cronies' deception and desire to turn our government into a fascist one. Hillary would've made a great President, as good, if not even stronger, than Pres. Obama. She would've been able to find a way to get the Republicans in Congress to stop obstructing progress. I thought (and still think) she is healthy, both mentally and physically. I understand there were quite a few "fake news" pieces going on about Hillary's health. I hadn't seen them. I heard that she had a bad case of pneumonia either during the campaign or when she was Sec. of State. Her continuing her duties while sick goes to show how iron strong she was/is.

      If it was only Trump that we have to contend with. We also need to McConnell, Ryan, and a whole bunch of the Republicans out of Congress. Grrrr. Gotta stop before I begin foaming at the mouth. lol. Hugs to you, Di.

  3. Totally agree with you. We need to find beauty in our world and be happy with small things in every moment of our life.

  4. The wonder will remain, all things will pass.

  5. do try making the enzyme. I have been doing this for 10 years now.

    1. Thanks for the reminder, Ann. I've written it in my notebook to check out.

  6. You are so right about finding beauty since Mr. Ugly is in the White House. I love your picture and what you did with it...very artistic

  7. That is what I am trying to do, to do what I can with things I can control. Let's be positive and keep our eyes and ears open.

    1. Yes, be positive that Trump and his cronies will not destroy our government.

  8. No matter what we humans do, our little blue marble keeps on spinning, and the sun keeps on rising and setting ... beautiful pic. :)

    1. Thanks, Widders. I'm hoping that we can keep Trump and his cronies from doing too much destruction of our world.

  9. That's really beautiful ! The one who sits in the white house right now and wants to make "America first" makes it ridiculous, so sad to say ! If he only would know how people laugh about him, he would get an heart attack, which wouldn't be so bad !

    1. Thanks, Gattina. You're so right. I wouldn't be surprised if he resigns because he can't take all the criticism.

  10. Thank you for your words of wisdom, hope and peace. Blessings, my friend!

  11. I would never call you simple.... And I do hope that your wish comes true because it is very frightning whats going on right now!

    Have a nice ABC-Wednesday / _ Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc=w=team)
    (want to take a preview at the new url starting round 21 ?

  12. Hey, you get no argument from me. Back over a year ago, and then certainly after the March 15 primaries, I knew he could win the nomination. And if he were the nom of a major party, that meant he could win.


    1. I didn't want to believe you sane people's logic. Now and then when I see Trump on TV or on my screen, I can't believe he holds that office.

  13. Simple Faith - is the only thing I KNOW - that will see us through . .
    Golly, I like your art.

  14. To be honest I've been down in the dumps. Every morning I get up and turn on the television with a sense of dread. I think one of these days he will go too far and he'll start to lose followers, but I've thought that before...many times! I have to believe that day is coming. Have you seen this site? It breaks his tweets down for us in categories like Media Disdain, Global Warming, Personal Superlatives, etc. I find myself staying up to watch at least a few minutes of the late night comedians and I'm watching Saturday Night Live on a regular basis now. I need a laugh to keep me going.

    1. I stay up to listen to the monologues, too. Gotta laugh to keep sane. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.


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