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Trieste is the name of the street I live on. The Husband pronounces Trieste as Tree-est. The Mama used to say Trees-tay. I like to say Tree-es-tay. Molly the Cat simply says Mwrr.

Today, I found out that I was wrong about what trieste means. I thought it meant sad. In Italian, which is the word's origin, trieste means market place. (Italians pronouce the word as tree-es-tay.) According to, trieste is from the Latin word tergeste, which comes from Venetic, a once-upon-a-time language in the long-time-ago region of Veneto.

I love the idea that we live on Trieste, a market place. I shall now imagine myself selling, trading, and giving away the creations of my heart. They may be words, images, and things out of stuff. Hmmmm. When I was a young thing living in San Francisco I wanted to be a street artist when I grew up, but I had no idea what I could sell as I had no artistry of any kind. That's what I thought then.

Things are different now. I have the time to play with paint, ink, pencils, glitter, dyes, rocks, dirty, hammers, saws, needles, thread, paper, fabric, straw, flowers, paper, and so on and so forth, et cetera, et cetera. I can explore, discover, experiment, and simply try my hand at finding what kind of artistry is inside me. Who knows, if I want to, I might even make a small living out of it.

By the way, in Spanish, triste means sad or mournful. I'm glad to know that I don't live on a street called sadness. Maybe now melancholy and I can make a truce. 

It's the letter T at ABC Wednesday. Click here to join in on the fun and/or read posts by other bloggers around the world.  Thank you, ABCW team!


  1. So YOU had the right pronunciation!


  2. Its always wise to look up multiple explanations.. good for you you did and now know what it in your case really means.

    Have a nice ABC-day / - Week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-team)

    1. I enjoy learning the origins of words. :-)

    2. I can imagine..... I do to often look up words to find out where they've started

  3. Whew! Glad you got that sorted out. It's a whole better way to think about your street. Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. That's for sure, Ellen. I didn't like thinking we lived on a street of sadness. No more, ha!

  4. Your art is wonderful ... there ought'a be more of it! :D

  5. Uplifting, encouraging post - YES, You are all of this an more - your street winds around hearts all over the world. love & love, -g-

  6. Isn't it perfect that you live on a street called market place. With all the growth on your land, it just seems appropriate.

    1. If this were another world, say the Philippines of the Mama's youth, we'd probably put up a Sari-Sari Store, which is a mom and pop joint.

  7. What a fascinating fact! So many possibilities :)


  8. Hello, your place looks pretty. I like the name of the street and your pronunciation. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  9. Your place looks pretty and happy. The street name is pretty too. thanks for sharing.
    dropping by from the abc linkup

    1. Hi, Suzy. I'm glad you dropped by. It's always neat to meet another Suzy.

  10. Oh definitely a better meaning ... and a heck of a beautiful market place there! thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures and lovely and funny words (for free, lucky us!)


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