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The "H" I Say

The other day I decided to keep a daily Have-Done list. For awhile, that is. Until I no longer need to let myself know that I have accomplished something each day.

Every day, I add things to my To-Do list. As you can see in the photo, the items don't always get done right away. Sometimes, not for weeks after I put them on the list.

The Have-Done things, so far, were not on my To-Do list. That's okay. They were usually stuff:

•  I would've distracted myself to do so I wouldn't do anything on the To-Do list. For instance, dig up a narrow piece of the front lawn to create a new home for a bunch of jade plants that no longer fit in their pots.

•  I would've discovered I needed to do before I could do a To-do item, such as clean the freezer in order to start it up again.

•  I needed to do that moment because they needed to get done then and there. We needed to pay that water bill, you know.

•  I would've eventually put on my To-do list. That would've probably been the applesauce I made this morning from the apples I picked off our tree last week.

There you go. That's how I am right now.  

H is the letter for this week's ABC Wednesday. (Thank you very much, ABCW team.) To read other H-inspired posts and/or to join in with your own, please click here.


  1. This is kinda like the Bullet Journal I experimented with recently. Good luck.

  2. This is a fun looking list--I'm not very good with them though.

    1. The Have-done's were fun. The To-do's could be fun, too. Once they're done.

  3. This is a good list...instead of only things to do but also things you have accomplished which is a great way to look at things.

    1. Susie the Sloth needs the gratification right now. :-)

  4. That's a good list - and the have-done list would give one a great feeling of accomplishment!

  5. HIYA Susie,
    I HAVE list of 'to do' all over the place, I've even been know to put a
    'stick it' reminder on HUSBAND's forehead HE called it a devisive form of nagging...All it said was "Dont forget to let the cat out of the garage", He's never been forgiven for locking her in one very cold night! My poor old spoiled cat! I awoke in the middle of the night and realised she wasn't on the end of our bed where she always sleeps, HIMSELF was ordered to seek her out and retu rned back to bed with one very cold cat! I;m afraid Every night when we go to bed I ask him the question that has been stamped indelibly on his forehead,,I know it irritates him but I just can't HELP myself ! HEY HO!
    ABCW Team

    1. hahahahahah. Di, I love that story. Molly the Cat would no doubt like to put a note on my forehead to remind me that she has slipped out into the garage and would I kindly open the door in say 10 minutes. I tell her she has to thump the door or meow loudly. That, she says, is not her style.

  6. Hi Susie.... I don't have those kinds of lists... I never make them....instead I try to find as much joy as possible in doing things spontaneous

    Whatever works best is fine, isn't it

    Have a nice ABC-day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (ABC-team)

    1. Definitely, Melody. Whatever works best. I don't know how long this have-done listing will go. At the moment, I need to be reminded that I am doing something. :-)

  7. Our household lists go on a small whiteboard. There's nothing like seeing the gaps grow as we erase each task as it's done. :)

    1. That may be the next thing to do. We started using a whiteboard to remind us of dates we need to be up,out, and doing.

  8. I liked your very stylish diary, Susie:)

  9. You have managed to accomplish a LOT . . . color me impressed. love & love, -g-

  10. I am always making lists, Su-see Mac! But yours is so much more creative! Thanks for visiting me! Have you checked into whether you can grow hydrangea?

    1. Doodling and Coloring dates will make anything look creative and happy. :-) The oak leaf, big leaf, and panicle types ought to grow here. Just need to find the best spot for them.

  11. I think my to do list would be full and the have done list at least half empty, lol !

    1. I only write something on my have-done list after I've done it, unless it was something I put on my To-do list. Hmmm, I sound somewhat anal-retentive. hahahahaha

  12. I've been a list person for at least half my lifetime, because it keeps me focused on the things I need to get done. I will add things not listed that come up that took priority, so that I can feel a sense of accomplishment. However, I've never kept them in a journal or illustrated them as nicely as you have. I may have to do that, since it appeals to my creative self. Blessings, my friend!

    1. I feel reassured about myself, Arnoldo, hearing how you keep your list. :-)


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