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Happy Birthday to Our Molly!

Molly the Cat is six years old today. According to her adoption paperwork, that is.

Molly doesn't like cake. But, we do. So, the Husband drove to the bakery to buy a slice each of chocolate cake and lemon cake for him and me to share. What's a birthday without cake, right?

Molly got an extra pouch of chicken breast and beef mix. She licked her plate clean after eating both pouches.

She's a big girl now, our sweet Molly.

I'm hooking up with Seasons, a meme hosted by blogger and artist Jesh. Click here to check other Seasons participants.


  1. Meeeeeyow!!!! Happiness now and always to Molly The Cat and her Marvelous Family!!!

  2. Well, happy birthday to Molly! She is a cutie and I think she is posing.

    1. "Shhhhhhhhh, the lady thinks I can't stand the camera," says Ms. Purr-Purr Cat.

  3. We have to mark the special days of the ones we love. Cake is always appropriate!

  4. It was International Cat Day, so Molly must be very special.

  5. Happy Birthday to Molly, and cake is definitely the way to celebrate :)

  6. Haha, and Molly winks! You're right, what is a birthday without a cake! Now, since we're living close to the grandkids, we make it a point not to forget their birthday and if we know that they don't have cake, we bring it on their birthday! So, I hope you enjoyed your chocolate and lemon cake:) Thank you much for sharing this event with SEASONS - and have a beautiful week, Susie!

    1. The slices of chocolate and lemon were delicious. We licked our lips in unison with Ms. Purr-Purr Cat who enjoyed her extra special lunch.

  7. Happy Birthday Molly cat xxx Why not make her a fish cake ?
    .....I was only saying Di xxx

    1. Purr-Purr Cat likes your suggestion only she wants chicken cake. She turns her back on fish cake. Unless I give it to her outside where she can't smell the fish. (Such a diva our Molly is.)

  8. Happy Birth Day, Miss Molly-by-Golly! :D

    1. Purrrrrrrrrrr, thank you! says Ms. Purr-Purr Cat.


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