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Friday's Hunt v.2.9

The cues for Friday's Hunt this week are: 1. Starts with I   2. Week's favorite   3. Pink

So, here's my week's favorite picture: The pink-faced Husband quickly inserting himself into the photo I was taking of the apples and lemons that I harvested from our trees.  I love that silly guy.

Friday's Hunt is a weekly meme hosted by Teresa at Eden Hills. To check out the other participants, please click here.


  1. I look at the baskets of fruit and almost taste a pie, tart or any other baked good. Perhaps hubby is sensing a future fruit pastry too...

    1. He's still waiting. Me, too, for that matter. I made some apple pie filling yesterday, which we'll simply eat as is or baked into scones.

  2. Quite a crop of fruit, I can already smell apple and cinammon pie
    Yummy xx
    Di xx

    1. If I remember to buy flour and butter today. . . .

  3. Look at the Abu dance you got from your trees. I love it and the photobomb fro. Your hubby

    1. I read abundance as two words Abu dance. I thought at first you gave the Husband a nickname. lol

    2. Omg....hhahaaaaa my I pad does things that I don't I will Abu dance to bed

  4. Doesn't he have a pink shirt?

    1. He does! A pink-salmon Hawaiian shirt that I like to wear, too.

  5. Love the photobombing hubby! Perfect for the prompt. I agree with Tom. You'll have to get him a pink shirt. That's quite the impressive haul from your trees. Thanks so much for joining Friday's Hunt. Hope you have a great week!

    1. The Husband likes to photobomb. He cracks me up so much when he does.

  6. Hello, great shot of your hubby and the harvest. It is cool to pick your own lemmons, I am always buying them at the store for my water. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

    1. Thanks Eileen. The tree produces year round, thankfully. Lemons cost so much right now.

  7. Hubby looks very pleased with all your bounty in his lemon collectors t-shirt!
    It looks like you have a busy week ahead!
    Wren x

    1. I've made apple pie filling and applesauce with the apples so far. Next step is to package them for the freezer. I finally have the ingredients to make a pie crust. Today would be a good day for baking since it's a bit on the cool side. We shall see.

  8. Great picture! I am amazed (and a bit envious!) of your colourful bounty of fruit. I would so love to be able to grow my own citrus, but unfortunately, Canada's climate is nowhere near kind enough for that!

    1. We are fortunate to have this lemon tree. It produces year-round.

  9. He does a good contrast to the green apples and the yellow lemons !

  10. You fruits looks very nice, Susie. Is there more or is that your crop? We had one lime from our lime tree. Mrs. Jim picked it but I think too green. She wanted to get it before the birds. My lemon tree hasn't had lemons for a long, long time. The first year it had six, then two the next and none for a long time. Then it had four, but no more since.
    It blooms. A friend complained that she didn't get any lemons either. I showed her an article that I had Googled up that showed how to hand pollinate. That year she had gobs. The bees around here aren't anymore.

    1. That's sad you have no bees. We don't have as many as before. I've seen flies pollinate flowers in the garden. I don't know if they do the lemon tree. That tree produces year round. As for these green apples, pretty much it. They're all from the lower branches. I saw a few more higher up in the tree, but those are tough to reach.


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