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Doves on Roof

Coooo. Coooo.

The sound took me away from the computer. I walked down the hall and glanced out the window.

Coooo. Coooo. 

Two of 'em.

See how the dove on the left looks at the other one. Someone is in love.

Coooo. Coooo.

I'm hooking up with Warm Heart Wednesday, hosted by the wonderful Jenny Matlock.


  1. Replies
    1. We have two types of doves in our area. The other type has a ring around its neck. Our neighbor's son told me once that he'd like to wring those ringed-doves' necks because they're taking over.

  2. I love the sound of doves and wood pigeons, your two look rather sweet :)

    1. Wood pigeons? I wonder if I've seen and heard them. Must go find a photo.

  3. Oh what a darling photo and so creative ~ love the doves!

    Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  4. The doves are so sweet sitting up their looking out at their world. A unique shot.

    1. Thanks, Genie. The one on the right may be looking towards the ground beneath the tree to see if the tiny birds spilled some birdseed.

  5. that one dove has only one thing on his mind and she better fly! he looks like one lusty dove:)

  6. That's a beautiful shot. Love is definitely in the air.

  7. Susie, don't you just love the REAL love birds? We have a pair of ceramic doves on our coffee table. We sit them fairly close together, the one one the left is looking across at the one on the right, who looks rather indifferent and is looking straight ahead. Maybe they'll make my warm hearts soon.
    Thank you for sharing yours.

    1. I've seen lovebirds once, maybe twice, but I can't recall how they look. Another search on Google for me. Love the Google.

  8. Oh my, glad you hear it and looked:) A heart warming view!

  9. Looks like spring is in the air !

    1. This is the first year that the tree in the background was full of blossoms. When they fall, I like to think it's snowing.

  10. He's singing, "Let's do it! I mean, let's fall in love!"

  11. I should be seeing Robins soon. They're not here year round, but I see them when they start to migrate north. I usually see the first one in February. The tree in my backyard is already getting leaves. Spring is on the way.

    1. I remember seeing a robin on the fence several weeks ago. I think it was passing through. Too early for the robins that set up nests in our trees. I hope a pair chooses ours this year.

  12. Oh goodness, these two look like they are in love. We had a pair of mourning doves and then there was one and then they were back together. Perhaps they took a short break from each other. I still see them high on the power lines in our back yard. We had to remove two ancient trees in our front yard so we do not get the birds like we use to. The backyard just has huge fifty foot high pine trees. Three of them and the birds don't seem to like them, probably those nasty pinchy needles! I am so hapy to see you here. Have a beautiful weekend. Love your photo share. xo

    1. Hi, Anne. Three huge pine trees, neat! We'd love to grow a pine or a redwood or two in the front yard, but the Mama was against it. She has it in her head that pine and redwood trees are bad luck. I think it's because of the forest fires. A couple streets over someone has a very tall pine tree in his/her yard. The crows like to hang out in it at times.

  13. Aw, that's sweet! Spring is in the air!

  14. Oh my.

    Isn't it the simplest things that are most beautiful and touching.

    I loved this link.

    It truly warmed my heart.

    Loved seeing you here for week 15.



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