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Day Nine

"Hey, kid, you want me."

That loaf of sweet French bread jumped out at me as I entered the kitchen.

"One slice won't hurt you," it purred, smiling seductively from the kitchen counter.


Deep breath.

Ignoring my yearning for a taste of the bread, I gathered ingredients to make sandwiches for the Mama's and the Husband's lunch. I simply pretended that I didn't like bread.  It worked, thank goodness.

Turns out I still don't know better.

Nine days ago, I started to limit the foods that I can eat because I was lethargic and scatterbrained. For the last two months, I had been consuming too many desserts, bread, potato chips, and beer without doing any worthwhile exercise to offset the yummy calories. In addition, my eczema was constantly raging and, frighteningly, an insect bite turned into an ugly fungal infection, which was a first for me.  Burp. Burp. Yeah, a lot of those, too. So, no gluten foods.  No fried foods. No desserts. No peanut butter. No caffeine. No dairy products, except for yogurt and kefir. No fried foods.  And, a bunch of other No's that I can't recall at the moment.

Today, on day nine, I feel stronger.  In a few days, I'll assess how much longer I ought to stay on this "No" program.

Life is good.


  1. I need to start following suit ASAP. I have been so lethargic lately, but I have been thinking it was my next to nothing iron counts. But on the other hand I have been getting up at night eating sweets...yes, every night. It is a terrible habit. I crave sweets, bread, and salt. It is awful. I try to avoid as much gluten as possible but lately I have even been eating it. So I shall take a lesson from you and remind myself that after just a short time you were feeling better. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

    1. Hi, Genie. It could be a combination of your low iron count and your cravings. I wonder if low iron count might contribute to your cravings. Something to research. I was eating a dessert nightly and sometimes at lunch. When I found myself reaching for a second nightly cookie, which was really my third that day, I knew I was heading down the tunnel again. You can do it, Genie!

  2. I used to exercise (walked 3 or 4 miles a day) and ate healthy. Then the "you know what" hit the fan and real life kept me from my daily exercise. Slowly the healthy eating went by the wayside. I walked twice this week...1 1/2 miles each time. I keep trying to get back into the swing of things. I have a long ways to go. I'm rooting for you. Good luck.

    1. Good for you, Betty! I'm rooting for you, too. Getting back into a positive pattern, which you are and I am, is the first step. Right? Right!

  3. Good Luck to you but that is a lot of limitations. I know what you mean about being lethargic because I wanted to walk every day but...that didn't happen. I hope that insect bite gets better. soon you will be with Tilda Hilda will. I believe in you

    1. Thanks, Birgit! This is a kick start for me. Since I don't seem to get moderation yet. Will I ever? I've been working in the garden a lot lately so that helps, but it's not like sweating and zenning with Tilda Hilda. Soon.

  4. You are strong! I don't know if I could have resisted that bread.
    I have managed to stay away from caffeine since Christmas and can certainly feel the difference. That doesn't mean I don't long for a lovely cup of coffee. I don't know about bread, but I sure could use a time away from sugar. I'll be interested to hear what you have to say after a month.

    1. You go, Pondside! I've done a no bread, no sugar, no etc. program once or twice in the last 3 years. I always feel good after a month. It's not ever easy, especially the first few days. All I can think is that I'm much older so my willpower is stronger each time. But, if I had consistent willpower I wouldn't put my body in this situation so much. Thinking positively!

  5. Replies
    1. And so yummmmmmmmy!I can make a meal out of a sour dough baguette and sweet butter. It barely beats my next favorite meal -- potato chips and beer.

  6. You mean I'm not the only one - Moderation doesn't seem to be in my behavior vocabulary - and bread . . . . oooooh.
    Thank you for setting such a great example.
    love & love,

    1. A great example of not knowing moderation. Definitely. :-)

  7. That bread does look inviting. Resist, resist.... actually resist
    for both of us. I'm a bread-lover too....on the run. Hahaha

  8. Have you tried the vegan thing. I do not really do tons of gluten because I am not big on bread any more, but the vegan plant based diet has been the best thing that ever happened to me. I lost weight that I never could on a standard diet. There are even vegan versions of yogurt and cheese these days for people who want that. I am not big on dairy stuff, but for those who want to indulge occasionally, etc. I had the vegan Ben and Jerry's a few times when it came out last month, but I realized I like making my own banana nice cream, but is just pureed bananas with carob and peanut butter for flavor. But you can skip the peanut butter, if you are allergic to that.


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