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What's Wrong with People?

"Today is a holiday," I reminded the Mama this morning. "So, no mail. No library. No banks. No schools."

"What's the holiday?" the Mama asked.

"Martin Luther King Day."

"Is this the day he was born?"


The Mama sighed. "The good people die too soon. Poor man."

She shook her head. "The crazy person who killed him. Too many crazy people. What's wrong with people?"

The Mama's question had me pondering throughout the morning. My conclusion, at the moment: Insecurity. Fear is based on insecurity. Anger? A person gets angry because she does not get her way, which puts her in an insecure position. Jealousy is essentially feeling insecure for not having what someone else has. Greed in a person is due to his insecurity that he don't have what others have.

Unfortunately, there are greedy, angry, jealous, and fearful people in this world who manipulate our insecurities for their purposes. I like to think that the majority of us have our heads screwed on straight and can see through their inhuman minds and souls. I have faith that positive light prevails over negativity.


  1. Danged if I know! <3 I like to think we working it out

  2. YOU are a bright light -
    That is one lovely photo . . .
    Happy Day!

  3. what dialoges, what a bright light, what a great article! Could be part of a wonderful newspaper! Herzlich Pippa

  4. I love the silhouette of is so nice. Your discussion of the grim situation our country is in really hit home. You hit the nail on the head. I pray that my children and grandchildren have a safe world in which to live out their lives.

    1. Thank you. The photo is one I took a few years ago. I have faith that we will elect a strong, stable, and fair person as our next President.

  5. This photo seems to go well with what you wrote. She and Molly are calm and secure...without fear

    1. Thanks, Birgit. There was a time when the two ladies both had lots of fear. I like to think much of it is dissipated.

  6. please come often to my main blog, dear friend.
    friends meet friends has closed, but my main blog stays!
    Herzlich Pippa

  7. I think there are more people who've figured it out than not. It's just that the 'not's' yell the loudest.

    1. That's what I keep telling myself. It doesn't help when the media loop one creepy big mouth endorsing another creepy big mouth.

  8. All people are crazy in their own way, but most of us are crazy nice.

    1. I agree with that, Shooting Parrots. Crazy nice!


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