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Eden Hills' Friday Hunt v1.3

The Friday's Hunt, a photo meme hosted by Teresa of Eden Hills, is a lot fun.  She gives you three items to photograph each week, and you can choose to do one, two, or three of them.  I had a photo last week that would've been perfect for all three items this week. Oh well.

Starts with C

I've decided to use my archives for the alphabet item. I took the photo of this cow in November 2014 during a hike with the Husband. Moooooooo.

Week's Favorite

The Only and Older Brother surprised us with a visit on Sunday. He brought BBQ for lunch, so I'll excuse him for not waving to the camera. I did get him to smile. Just as good. (Yes, that's a smile.)


One of my goals this year is to reduce the clutter in the house. Everywhere. Everything. So far I've accomplished sorting and organizing the business cards and library cards that I like to collect. Baby steps, but at least they are forward steps.  We're supposed to have rain over the next several days. You know what that means.

Okey-dokey. You can link up until Sunday evening, if you'd like to participate in the hunt. For more details or to check out the other participants, click here.


  1. Such an individuell impression, my dear! Herzlich Pippa

  2. Like your choice to the 3 photos. I can really relate to the last one. It is my goal to declutter and buy nothing new that is not absolutely necessary. Let’s see if I can do it. It’s gonna be hard. Am gonna be put to one hard test.

    1. Books are my downfall. I've got piles of books to read and I still buy more. Silly me.

  3. Decluttering...that's my goal too! But oh, so hard to do. So nice that your brother came for a visit, and I like the cow!

    1. I said I would work on one room a week, starting with the office. Uhmmmm. The mess is still in the middle of the room.

  4. Glad you enjoy Friday's Hunt and thanks for linking up. That is quite the image of the cow. Looks like it's on a ledge. I had to chuckle at your brother smiling. Looks like it was a good time. I could certainly use some inside time to de-clutter, but I always find something more fun to do.

    1. That was a great day walking among the cows. They worked their way up from way down below.

  5. Love the first shot!! We downsized 3 years ago and decluttered like crazy.

    1. Thanks, Jackie. We've closed our eyes for 12 years. Can't do it anymore. Or can we? lol

  6. Hello, the cow is pretty. Great shot. We are working on the decluttering too. Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks, Eileen. Hope yours is going happily well, too. Saturday has been a good one. No decluttering though.

  7. I must declutter myself, once again! I reduced my household stuff by 2/3 to make a retirement move to Florida and now almost five years later I feel the clutter creeping back. It's my love of thrifting that is the culprit!

    1. Thrifting! I enjoy thrift stores and garage sales, big time. But, I've been good thought I almost went last Thursday.

  8. Have you ever noticed that when we declutter, all we do is make space for more stuff than was there in the first place? :)

  9. A warm and friendly family picture, except you're non in it so I guess I can't call it family. Maybe part of a family. Or some members of a family.... ok, that's it, end of my nonesense.

    Your desk doesn't look bad, at all, to me. My husband's desk was as many all-over piles of papers as that one front stack of yours. The top of his desk could never be seen, not even a teeny little speck to see what kind of wood it was. But... the odd thing, he could find a certain letter in a blink. That WAS his filing system and he knew exactly where everything was. Once I made the mistake of organizing his desk top. I think he was very unhappy with me but he was a kind man and just said "thank you" but now he couldn't find anything. LOL

    1. I was surprised the Mama didn't say "It's unlucky to take a photo with 3 people." She does that sometimes. I tried a couple of selfies to get us all in it, but didn't like the result.

      I cleaned up my desk by moving everything out of the way so I can lay out the cards. I'm more like your Husband. Actually it keeps me more focused the more chaotic my filing is. So, why then am I decluttering?!

  10. I like your cow. Like the Beach Boys' California Girls, I am thinking that California Cows are long legged, at least this one is.
    Does Hubby ever help you organize? I know that Mrs. Jim would want to to throw too much away if she helped me to clean up my act.

    1. hahahah. I'm listening to the Beach Boys sing California Girls as I'm writing, and I'm substituting cows for girls. Love it! You also have me laughing with your question "Does Hubby ever help you organize?" He's good. When I ask for help, he helps. Ooh, the Beach Boys stopped singing and Bob Hope and Jack Benny came onto the set dressed in tee-shirts and shorts. Until later.

  11. Interesting smile your brother has. Your clutter made me laugh. My desk is not as bad as that but not great either.

    1. I think the Brother takes after the Mama when it comes to smiling hugely.

  12. Love the cow shot with his tail a whippin'. That's your brother smiling? Hmmm what does a frown look like:) I am trying to organize things too. I am always trying...:)

    1. Thank you kindly. The Brother's frown is ferocious, as is his growl. He was once the Vice Prinicipal in charge of discipline at the local high school.

  13. Su-sieee! Mac stick with the decluttering. It pays off in physical and mental space. Sylvia D.

  14. Love your inside photo ! Looks "home" !

  15. Always nice when someone drops in with dinner, guess your brother knew he'd end up on your blog?

    1. That was lunch, but he brought enough for dinner and next-day lunch leftovers. Very nice, he was.

  16. Wish someone would bring me a delicious lunch! AH, ORGANIZATION! It's a lofty goal and one I am working steps. LOL

    1. My goal ought to actually be less procrastination. Then perhaps I'd be organized.

  17. Nice cow and good luck with the organizing project! :)

  18. I could have used clutter for my C photo but I figured that no one wanted to see my mess. heh. I like the cow - I like bovines.


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